Title: The Sweet Taste of Freedom
Prompt: Challenge #216 free at
dw100 Characters: Ten, Master
Rating: All Ages
Spoilers: SoD, LotTL
Summary: The Doctor's done the Master a favour, but the Master's not sure he wants it.
He blinks blearily and the Doctor looks at him curiously.
“Well, did it work?”
He nods, tilting his head from side to side, searching in his mind for any echo left. The Doctor grins broadly, looking extremely pleased with himself.
The Master simply glares venomously.
“Now that you’re free from the drums I would’ve thought you’d be a bit more pleasant.”
“I’m afraid you’re going to be rather disappointed.”
The Doctor sighed. “No, I didn’t really expect you to get better.” He stands and walks away looking dejected, and the Master feels a pang of sorrow.
Stupid Doctor taking away the stupid drums.