Brimstone Rhine: 16 Days to Go "Mockingbird and Kestrel Girl"

Mar 10, 2015 13:02

Last summer, the Apocalypse Gals and I went on a mini-tour with my brother The Celtic Musketeer, and sang a few concerts in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

We were staying overnight at a place called The Buttery in Dorcester, MA for a house concert and idly rehearsing that afternoon in one of the guest rooms. Missing our poet friend Dominik Parisien, AKA "The Apocalypse Boy," we decided to record this song I'd written for him.

This is one of the songs from THE HEADLESS BRIDE EP, now FULLY FUNDED by the BRIMSTONE RHINE CAMPAIGN. It's not the studio version, of course, but I thought it might amuse you.

Also... it might INSPIRE you to check out the AWESOME NEW STRETCH GOALS!

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alter ego brimstone rhine

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