Jan 16, 2013 12:22
Reading: Brusso, Cooney, & Graykin
Fri 7:00 PM
Duration: 01:15
Authors Charlene Brusso, C.S.E. Cooney, and Justine Graykin read selections from their works.
Alas that one of our stalwart trio is down with Cap'n Trips, which is apparently sweeping Boston like it did in alt-reality 1990 c/o Stephen King. Justine and I will be splitting that hour and fifteen with, if not panache, then maybe pizazz. Oh, heck. Panache too. Why not? YOU'RE TOTALLY INVITED! PLEASE COME! AUDIENCE NEEDED!
Discworld at 30
Sat 8:30 AM
Duration: 01:15
Thirty years ago, Terry Pratchett released *The Colour of Magic*, the first of (now) 39 Discworld novels. Discworld has proven a favorite amongst fandom, even spawning any number of derivative works, from stage adaptations to board games. How has Discworld evolved over thirty years and nearly forty novels? Which storylines are more satisfying, generally, and which leave the reader cold? Come discuss this wonderful series that hits an anniversary in 2013!
The truth is, I don't expect anyone at all to come to an 8:30 AM panel. WHO WOULD??? Except, I'll be there. Since I've gotta be there. I'll be taking something called "the super early T-train," according to Julia, since I'll not be staying in a hotel this time but at Casa Rios-Collum de Tentacular! I've never taken Boston public transit before. Is it easy like Chicago, or slightly more complicated like New York?
Oh, and the answer is Sam Vimes, obviously. And Tiffany Aching. And the witches of Lancre. Only I just don't dig the Wizards of Unseen University, really. Never did. At all. Except there are some exceptions. Sometimes. My youngest brother liked them the most. Go figure.
Hmn. Further thought required.
Cooney, Sklar, & Tan
Commonwealth Foyer - Autograph Space
Sat 2:30 PM
Duration: 01:15
Autograph session with C.S.E. Cooney, David Sklar, and Cecilia Tan.
Autographing session! It is to laugh! I have a feeling it'll be mostly hanging out and shooting the breeze, at least on my end. I think the plague stole away Mr. Sklar as well, so I don't think I'll be sharing John Hancockian flourishes with him. It'll just be me and Cecilia down by the schoolyard.
... Oh, dear. I just Googled her, and she has her own website AND Wikipedia entry, so she's totally more famous than I am. So is everybody, really, but... Wow! LOOKIT THAT! Dang, she has a lot of books. And she founded Circlet Press. Hey, I WAS AT THAT PARTY AT WFC! I wonder if I met her. No WONDER her named looked familiar. Cool. I'll just sit back and watch the throngs come to her. It'll be educational.
Inspired By
Sat 5:30 PM
Duration: 01:15
Our panelists will discuss the authors and stories that most inspired them to become authors themselves, as well as other influences on their work.
I'll probably talk about Gene Wolfe mostly, but I bet I can think of other stuff to say before then. I really should do some, uh, serious journaling hand-written like, for my own clarity. PLENTY OF TIME BEFORE SATURDAY! #procrastinator?who?me?
Speculative Poetry Reading
Sat 8:30 PM
Duration: 01:15
Join us for a speculative poetry reading! The poets don't bite, but some of the poems do.
This, at least, I've done before. Have I mentioned yet that I've never been to an Arisia and it's making me SUPER-NERVOUS? Good thing I'll be taking the SUPER T-TRAIN that morning. Maybe I'll wear my Superman shirt as well!
Speculative Fiction on Stage
Sunday 8:30pm
Fandom tends to ignore the theatrical world, but playwrights are increasingly turning to SF for ideas. Theater buffs and critics talk about what's good and bad in theatrical SF and Fantasy.
However! Shira assures me that, "But you can talk about whatever about theatre."
HA! Oh, the license! The LIBERTY! And this lets me tap my year of being a theatre critic in Chicago. All Hail Centerstage! Ooh! I can talk about Lifeline Theatre's staged adaptation of Neverwhere, and also of Wild Claw's work in the horror genre, and maybe about Master and Margarita that Strawdog did. I'll have to Google my own old reviews...
What SF/F Series Should I Begin With?
Mon 10:00 AM
Duration: 01:15
There are so many worthwhile SF/F series are out there, with new volumes still coming out regularly, that it's hard for the discerning reader to know where to begin. Temeraire? Discworld (and if so, which storyline)? The Vorkosigan Saga? Help! This panel will help discerning readers sort through the dross and discover a series or three that will really tickle their fancy for not just one afternoon's reading but many to come.
Vorkosigan Saga. The Ile-Rien books. The Sam Vimes and/or Tiffany Aching story-lines in Discworld. Sure, Temeraire, I loved those books.
Or Sharon Shinn's Samaria books - or her 13 Houses series?
ALL THE BOOKS! READ ALL OF THEM!!! (Maybe I will be useless on this panel. Maybe I will flail myself right into the audience.)
And should I recommend series that haven't even been completed yet? The Dabir and Asim stuff? The Crescent Moon Kingdoms? The Redick and the Rothfuss stuff? MY BELOVED MORLOCK AMBROSIUS!!!???!!! Or what about the stuff that stopped PREMATURELY (well, in my helpless adoration, three was just not enough) like Wilce's FLORA books?
Hmn. Tricky. I can see I have a lot of work to do if I am to be any kind of professional-like-seeming panelist. Maybe I'll wear pinstripes. Maybe pinstripes will help...
general freakout,
morlock ambrosius