Tentacular! Tentacular!

Feb 12, 2012 16:54

Friday was craft day at our Victorian Strolling Flat. With little more than flour, water and old newspapers, my mother and I made masks. Okay, well we started out with cheap foil mardi gras masks... And eventually we bought black spray paint. The point is... Papier-mâché! One can play with it! AS AN ADULT!

This is the result:


Thus the Adventures of Plaguephant and Octopus Head began. (I started out trying to make a Plague Mask, because I'd made a compact with Patty Templeton and Shawna Flawless to make Plague Masks for Valentine's Day... But my plague mask ended up looking like the ELEPHANT OF DEATH! The Death Elephant! The Bubonic Elephant!) We dolled ourselves up in pretty outfits and jewels and make-up and drove to Arlington, Massachusetts for TENTACULAR! TENTACULAR!, a squid-and-cabaret themed party hosted by Julia Rios Voice of the Rainbow and Mister Moss Collum.

Tentacles everywhere. Hanging from the chandelier. Sticking out of the toilet. Tentacle sonnets were composed. Tentacle cartoon games played. My mother made deviled eggs and attached Julienne-sheared carrot tendrils for the full cephalopodic effect.

While we were there, Katherine showed us this MOST INCREDIBLE THING. How I wish it were real. HOW I WISH I'D WRITTEN IT! I may yet:


Go there. Love it.

It had me rolling. And shrieking. The pain, the pain of LONGING! I know it now.

I seem to be very tired these days. I was sick for about two weeks. Now it's all detritus of the journey: some sniffling, some coughing. But mostly I'm just tired. I sleep for seven hours and wake to an alarm, I'm tired all day. I sleep for ten hours and wake naturally, I'm tired all day. I can't seem to wake up fully. I wonder if it's lack of exercise. Until very recently I couldn't move around much without coughing up a lung -- or worse. Hopefully application of sunlight and aerobics will soon perk me up. In the meantime, I want to sleep forever...

...My mother is singing "Then You May Take Me To the Ball" from Camelot.

I have begun her on the Vorkosigan saga. It pleases me to NO END, hearing her laugh out loud or burst into tears in the room across from mine. The other day she did not emerge from breakfast. I brought it to her, with tea, and she looked up rather guiltily.

"I thought about calling good morning," she said, "but I thought, just a few pages more... What time is it? Seven thirty?"

"Nearly ten," I said, cackling.

It is delightful.

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