Nov 08, 2008 12:47

This is something special I wanted to do for my husband Brian's birthday. We have been together almost 17 years with good times and bad. He is always asking why I love him. I can't always find the words to say but I can write them down.

So here it is Brian.

When I met you I had just left a very abusive husband who had destroyed my self esteem.   I didn't feel good about myself, my life or where it was going.   Then through our friend Tammy I met you.   The first thing I remember about that night was  you made me laugh, something I had not done much of at the time. Then I remembered you pulling ot your wallet to show me pictures of your daughter. The proud look on your face is something I still remember so clearly.

Those first months as a couple were not easy.   I was still feeling the effects of my husband's abuse, but you put a stop to it pretty quick.   You told me to stand up for myself.   If we had a fight and I started to cry you told me to get angry and fight back.   You may regret that now, but I'm so glad you did.   You told me to say what I thought no matter what it was. And you were right.

Four years later we married.   After all that time we knew what we were in for.   We had already been close to breaking up and found a way to fix the problems.   Not perfect but we wanted to try and make it work. Our wedding was small but beautiful.   Even though you showed up late and had a few Bud Lights in you (that's ok, I caught up on the Bud Light at the reception)  still you looked very handsome in your tux.   I'll never forget the look in your eyes as you saw me for the first time in my wedding dress.  I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world in that moment.

You were the one with me when I got the news that my daughters were autistic.  To say that was one hell of a blow is a understatement.  You held me as I cried and told me everything would be alright.  That together we would find them the help they needed.  When I wanted to give up you forced me to keep going. Once again you gave me the strengh to do what I had to.

When our son Chase was born I'll never forget the tears you cried seeing him for the first time.  You had a daughter and I had two and we both so much wanted a boy.   I have no doubt you would have loved a girl just as much but seeing you hold him and kiss him was something I'll never forget.   When he was sick and put in the NICU you cried with me as we worried over our baby.   Again you gave me the strength to go on.

When my father died and I couldn't be with him you held me so tight and let me cry as long as I needed. You helped me get through that and I'll never forget it.

Now here we are all these years later.  Yes, it has been hard at times (allright alot of times) but somehow we keep going.   I won't say there haven't been times that I've wanted to strangle you because I have.   MANY times in fact.   But I'm still here, sometimes I don't know why but then sometimes I do.   After looking at this I see why.

You are my rock.   When I'm at my lowest, you pick me up and tell me I can do anything.

You believe in me.   And that is the greatest gift you have ever given me.

So there it is for all the internet world to see.  Why I love you.  I hope it has made you feel good and made your birthday something special.

I do love you and I have a feeling we will be together for a long time.   I think we deserve each other. We are both a pain in the ass!

So Happy Birthday from your Bacon.

P.S. This doesn't mean you can leave your clothes on the floor or the toilet seat up. Just remember that!

Love Always,
     Bacon (Christie)

my hubbys b-day

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