We've been doing way too much running lately. This week we have to be in town every day, half hour trip one way. This coming Saturday is Pip's black belt test. The mother-in-law is arriving on Thursday and staying until next Tuesday. The husband is home for the unforeseeable future. Talk about stressing.
What do you do for fun when you are stressed? We walk down the road a bit and set up a trail cam to catch the black bear that is eating all of the local apples.
Pictures of a bear eating apples and licking the camera. The top half are pictures, scroll down for the videos. A raccoon showed up for a little while too.
If you decide to poke around the rest of my photostream, don't get jealous. I have never been to the Bahamas in my life. I was helping the neighbor for a couple of years by putting up his winter hideaway pictures.