The old man's new supervisor is into myers briggs personality types. I can remember taking this for some class years ago, but the old man had never done his. Solved with a quick online test.
Well it came as no surprise that we are both introverts. (Pip's too young to do the test, but I'm inclined to say introvert.) Anyway, it is interesting to see how I line up with the characteristics for my personality type. I can see my weaknesses more strongly than my strengths.
I thought these personality type profiles were easiest to follow. I'm an INTP and the old man is an INTJ. Yes, he does have a death stare.
On an interesting note,
in the case of post-apocalyptic survival I will need to kill the old man. But I have decided to keep him around, who else is going to keep this place organized and neat.
So, what personality type are you?