Yea, sweet cucumber!!

Aug 16, 2010 19:16

Apparently, from reading gardening message boards recently, there's this massive problem out there with gardens producing bitter cucumbers.

When I was a teen, one reason I maintained a garden was that my mom hated cucumbers and wouldn't buy me the amount of cucumbers I wanted to eat. So, I grew them up the chain link fence that ran along one edge of their property. I never had a problem with bitter cucumbers, and had no clue this was common.

I grew out of my addiction to cucumbers, and haven't really grown them because I haven't had a chain link fence to grow them up on. This year, I learned that cucumbers don't care if you grow them along the ground, so I planted cucumbers. And they have sat and stared at me for months, with no fruit.

When we came back from vacation on Sunday, I went out and found your ol'massive cucumber laying on the ground. A almost club sized cucumber. It must have been there before we left, but I never saw it.

And it is sweet and delicious.

But as far as I can tell, there are no more cucumbers :(
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