Oct 30, 2015 11:00
The boy and I had mild cold symptoms yesterday, so he stayed home and I roped him into going through the last of the boxes in his room. We got everything organized and cleaned--it looks really nice! The last thing will be putting up some vinyl wall clings. We ordered them yesterday. He actually thinks the room looks fine the way it is, but I feel like it needs a little something more...
I had big plans to watch Netflix and knit last night before getting to bed at a reasonable hour. Then the girl hit her wide-awake phase at 9:00 p.m. and got around to finishing up an English essay... She wanted me to remind her how you structure a concluding paragraph and then read through her essay on Lord of the Flies (which was completely not what I was in the mood for, media-wise, thank you very much). So eventually there was knitting and Netflix, but I didn't get to bed on time!
We're worried about the cat. She seems to have lost a lot of weight recently (I borrowed a scale and confirmed that this morning--she's down from 8-9 lbs to around 6). I managed to get her an appointment at the vet this afternoon, for which I'm grateful, but of course it's right when the kids get out of school so I need to enlist help picking the kids up... It's days like this when I really appreciate being near my parents! I'm bummed though that I can't take care of it without the kids knowing. I don't want them to worry.
All that aside, we're looking forward to Halloween tomorrow. My parents are going to come over to carve pumpkins and make some treats, and hopefully the boy's new friend will come trick-or-treating with us. Although I think it will be fun to go out regardless--this is SUCH a nice neighborhood compared to our old one.