Dec 28, 2014 18:55
We're back home after spending five-ish days with my parents for Christmas. It was a very nice trip--honestly, probably the most relaxing and enjoyable Christmas in recent memory. The drive is a major drag, and this was the second trip in about a month since we went for Thanksgiving as well, but if all goes according to plan, we maybe won't have to make another trip until we move up there in the summer? One can hope... I have my parents signed up to make at least one trip down here in April/May or so to take my houseplants back up there separate from the non-living items. I suppose we might end up making a trip up there to look at houses or apartments, but maybe we won't have to...
The cat is very glad to see us--she seems to have spent some time racing around the house and knocking random things over, but basically didn't create any real havoc. She did get litter everywhere, but that's kind of to be expected.
I did some rewriting of the novel during the first part of the month and sent it to a handful of people to get reactions. (And I'm specifically asking my pharmacology friend to help me whip up a theory of werewolf pharmacology.) I felt kind of inspired to work on other projects while I have some down time, but being out of town kind of dimmed that inspiration. Maybe it will come back once we get back to a semi-normal schedule. (I have the girl home for one more week, but the boy is home for two more.) In the meantime, I'm not ready to put the holiday decorations away, but I definitely want to get started on clearing away all the clutter that accumulated over the last few weeks--especially Amazon packaging!
I've been reading quite a bit--not much that stands out as amazing (lots of 2 star books). Although there were a couple of Christmas novellas that were very charming and an m/m book that I thought was really well done. We've listened to quite a few podcasts in the car but there are a bunch more on my download list to be enjoyed. And I have a couple of gardening projects I want to get started. I noticed that my mom has been rooting salvia and rosemary branches in water. I'm going to try to get some of each going so I can plant them in empty spots in the yard and in pots so the yard will look a little nicer when it's time to put the house on the market. I also need to remember to take some pictures when the bulbs are up! *g*
I know we have nothing to complain about relative to other parts of the country, but our little southern California house feels FREEZING after being empty and unheated for most of a week. I might need to do some sort of baking tomorrow--even though we've all eaten more than enough baked goods over the last few weeks!