86 Volume 13 Live Read Reactions/Summary/Translations (Chapter 5 Part 3/3)

Jan 29, 2024 22:54

Here I've compiled my live read reactions and translation summaries from the Volume 13 Spoilers thread on the 86 Discord server, with minimal editing/additions.  Obviously, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR VOLUME 13.  You have been warned.

Chapter 5 (Continued)

Okay, let's see what's going on with Henry

Jeez. Only twenty out of the 400 people in the two companies survived

I was worried because there was a mention halfway through the book that a mixed Republic and Federacy company got abandoned and wiped out. Looks like I was right that it was them, but some of them managed to survive anyway

The surviving soldiers have to make their way to a military base before the Tausendfussler comes, but they're not sure whether anyone would accept them, especially since they have a Republic soldier and ethnic minorities among them. Henry suggests they go to Rustkammer base. Because his brother was there, and he's sure they would accept them.

Jesus this is fucked up

Ernst is placed on house arrest in the name of 'recuperating.' He's still the president, but that's just so there will be someone to blame later; all authority has been transferred to the vice president. And under the vice president, forced conscription is finally passed. The first ones to be conscripted are the ones from the dependent territories, the ethnic minorities, the serfs, and the poor. The ones who are conscripted next are the intellectual class and the wealthy. This latter group had assumed they wouldn't be eligible so they were all in support of forced conscription. But when they finally did get conscripted, they came face to face with the former group who were now experienced soldiers and thirsting for revenge. And so they were hunted down.

Ernst couldn't stop any of it, and he knows it's because of his previous behavior. Now the only one he has to talk to is Teresa, the identical twin sister of his late wife. Instead of a fire dragon, now he just looks like a powerless father. "I wish I could have at least protected my children." The scale had been balanced when there wasn't anything on it, but now. A weight in the name of the love between parent and child had been placed on one side, and it was so tilted that it could not move.

Due to suffering losses, the 1st Armored Group is reorganized from having seven battalions to four. An investigation has begun regarding Rito's shooting. The culprit was a Federacy soldier, one of the survivors of another unit who had fled there during the battle. He was captured by soldiers in his same unit, and they tried to save Rito, but they saw at once that it was too late, so they just stood there, according to the woman who brought his remains. Grethe says he will probably get the death penalty. Even though he was killed by a Federacy soldier, the fact that the Federacy military doesn't condone Rito's death is the only small consolation for Shin and Raiden.

Oh jeez

3rd Armored Group is being abolished. They were hit by the Morpho fire and Canaan and Longbow Squadron are MIA. Remaining members will be sent to the other groups. But Raiden says some survivors who had been MIA have just returned

This is so beautiful :FredCry:

Canaan did survive. And he brought Yuuto with them too.

Yuuto talks to Dustin. Dustin apologizes for not coming, and Yuuto says that Chitori knew she was asking for the impossible. Dustin nods, now understanding that his powerlessness wasn't being pointed out or blamed. He asks how she died, and Yuuto says that she was smiling in the end.

Dustin nods. Watching him like a thoughtful crow, Yuuto then says "I have a memento from her." Saying that, he doesn't take it out from his pocket. He'd noticed that a strand of her hair was still caught in the ribbon, so he'd tied it carefully. Gripping his right hand that had touched her last, Yuuto smiles provocatively.

"But I won't give it to you. I'm taking her with me."

Dustin smiles wryly. "Right. I'm not qualified." Because he didn't choose her. Because he'd already chosen someone else. "I already have the Snow Witch's curse on me. So I'm not qualified to take Chitori's hand." That kind curse. The curse of a kind witch, so he would survive. "Besides...she left that for you. Because you were the one who was with her to the end. Because she probably tried to be your curse. Right?"

Yuuto puts on a small smile. Like a bitter smile, in place of tears he didn't yet remember how to shed. "...Right."

(I didn't translate all the narration or dialogue in this scene but please be sure to read the whole thing when the English translation is out. It's all so beautiful. :sniffsniff:)

After all the chaos in Sankt Jeder, culminating with even the president getting taken hostage, the capital police are deemed inefficient. Multiple divisions are deployed in and around Sankt Jeder. Such as the Brantolotes' Blazing Leopard Division, and the Nouzens' Ignis Fatuus Division. The press is now suppressed. Protests are forbidden. Going out at night is now subject to crackdowns. The citizens feel suffocated by this sudden change in their lives, but there's nothing they can do about it. After all, this is the military, and armored units.

On the other hand, there are some who feel relieved to be under the control of nobles again. Now, they don't have to do anything. They don't have to choose anything. They don't have to be responsible for anything. It's easy. They should have never become a Federacy in the first place.

(the Nouzen division translates to will-o'-the-wisp, but ignis fatuus sounds cooler so I went with that. They are such goths)

Republic refugees are now in a concentration camp :LenaDeadInside:

And they still don't seem to have any self-awareness :FredNotLikeThis:


Lena, Annette, and Zashya aren't being allowed back to Rustkammer :FredAngy: They can still command but have to stay at military headquarters

I understand why, it totally makes sense, BUT


Willem has been removed from the position of chief of staff, apparently so he won't have to bear the responsibility of the next order. GUYS I'M SCARED

The lieutenant general seems pretty sincere that he wants Willem to keep fighting and resisting






I HATE THIS!!!!!!!


I see now why they released Alter 1 when they did. That was the innocence era. HOW DO I REREAD THAT AFTER THIS



It was absolutely foreshadowed multiple times, but I didn't want it to actually happen

I don't want this to be my favorite volume anymore, but I also don't think the other volumes hold a candle to what Asato just pulled

Okay. *deep breath*

A civilian, and a young girl at that, was shot by an Eighty-Six. Seeing this, the armored infantry soldier killed that Eighty-Six. It was only the natural thing to do. But immediately after, the girl's body exploded, and the soldier understood his mistake. But he couldn't accept it. He couldn't accept that he was a murderer. It only just happened to be that that girl was a 'fawn,' and the Eighty-Six was using the battle as an excuse to slaughter people. And so before the MPs came to collect him, the soldier slipped it to a war photographer. He wanted the world to know that he wasn't wrong.

Families are being taken away by forced conscription, and they are once again under military control. And it was all because of the two defeats in short succession. The Federacy is now completely surrounded by the Legion and no one can prevent the fear that causes.

And so, the hunting of 'fawns' continues. Even though the real fawns were already dead, people keep accusing each other of being 'infected.' The government keeps announcing that there are no new self-propelled mines or viruses, but it's hard to squash rumors that have spread so far. But more than that, it's convenient.

A Celena girl whose brother died in battle is kicked out of school. The families who took in the 'fawns' and 'wiretaps' are forced to flee. Areas where ethnic minorities gather are set on fire, etc etc. The 'fawns' are no longer enough. They need someone to blame. A sinner. Like the Republic. Or...

Even though the Federacy saved them, and they were made into heroes, they let this defeat happen.

The shocking image was that of Rito shooting the 'fawn.' And only of that moment. The news presents it as evidence of the Eighty-Six's massacre.

The Eighty-Six are the true enemies of humanity. They chose to become Legion. They became wiretaps and tipped off the Legion. They became fawns and killed Federacy civilians. And now they killed civilians under the cover of battle.

It's their fault we lost.

I'm so angry I just slammed my enter key

Lena says the true reason they're being kept in the capital is to be as hostages. So even when the Eighty-Six harbor resentment or even rebellion, they will still bend to the Federacy's will. So they'll keep fighting the Legion without betraying them.

"...Li’l Reaper." Shiden points out the window. "Are those transport planes? Aren't they different from usual?"

There weren't any planes scheduled to arrive today. Shin goes to the window. What's different isn't the type of plane, but the number of them. About a dozen of them, coming from the direction of Sankt Jeder.

Shin realizes these aren't transport planes. They're bombers, like he'd seen in the United Kingdom.

Shin immediately calls Grethe over the Para-RAID. He asks her to immediately call everyone back. Shiden also realizes and starts calling everyone to gather. Grethe stands and looks out the window as she also realizes.

"The battlefield is going to be cut off from the Federacy mainland. The Western Front-- all of the Federacy's fronts are going to become the Eighty-Sixth Sector!"

The bombers drop mines, creating a minefield that allowed no retreat for the Juggernauts and their Processors, just like the Republic's battlefield.


The final arc, the “Eighty-Sixth Sector Arc,” will start with the next volume. Asato says that all the characters’ growth up to now was to prepare them for this moment, so that this time, they could stand up to the true enemy: human malice.

Final thoughts:

I'm glad Asato was given plenty of time and space to write this. It was needed

It really landed

It's funny how some people were getting tired of the status quo. Well this volume just ripped the status quo to pieces

It's really mind boggling. A part of me is still in disbelief

But what Asato wrote in the Afterword gets me hyped for what’s to come next!

86, translation

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