Oct 20, 2004 21:12
One of the featured stories on MSNBC's After Hours tonight was that Teresa Heinz Kerry made a statement that Laura Bush has never had a real job. Laura Bush has been both a teacher and a librarian. I think that this is harder work than being a ketchup heiress. I also find it ironic that the wife of the candidate who is primarily campaigning for the working class vote at the expense of the wealthy is herself a wealthy tycoon, and criticizes a woman from more of a working-class background.
I'm watching the show right now, and the Kerry campaign representative, in my opinion, is trying to capitalize on Laura Bush's popularity, claiming that every time Laura and Teresa have met they they have bonded, trying to make the first lady and her counterpart look like good friends.
I also learned tonight that Laura ranks among the four most popular political figures in America (or so it was stated), the others being McCain, Giuliani, and Schwarzenegger.