One very happy Wolfy

Feb 13, 2006 00:34

Oh, I am just aflutter with love and adoration for both Carpe_Slytherin and Aurora_Enkeli  this evening! ::gushes like crazy:: For both in their own ways have gifted me with Snarry p0rn fic of the Severus/Harry variety!

I insist you all go and read the hotness that is…:

A Rational Man by Carpe_Slytherin (which made me go rather insane with the squeeness of it all!)

Kiss by Aurora_Enkeli (which made me smirk with the satisfaction of it all!)

Aren’t they both so very purdy? ::snuggles and smooches all round::

Caspe is a very happy, sated, and sleepy Wolfy right now and will be having sweet, sweet dreams this evening! :D

Peace all,

pimpage, ramble(s), [§] giftstuff for me

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