[Leverage] I got you [Eliot/Hardison]

Jan 08, 2011 18:40

I got you;


Eliot Spencer/Alec Hardison;

U-Rated, 665words;

Five Acts Meme Prompt: protectiveness, for toestastegood;

Eliot has a concussion; Alec is determined to be more hindrance than help.

“Damnit, Hardison!” Eliot snapped, glaring at Alec who’d been sitting at his bedside for the past hour and prodding him awake every time he so much as thought about dozing off.

“Do not make me hit you,” he growled, fisting his fingers in the sheets Alec had so thoughtfully draped over him after he’d thrown himself unceremoniously onto his bed upon their return from the latest job.

“Hey, man,” Alec held his hands up in a gesture of surrender even though he had no intentions of giving in to Eliot’s threats. “You know I’ve gotta do this.”

“No, you don’t,” Eliot growled out again, throwing one arm over his eyes. He felt his headache increase tenfold.

“You have a concussion-,” Alec pointed out, unhelpfully.

“Yeah, thanks, I think I got that part.” Eliot snapped again, he was in no mood to be babysat.

“-which means,” Alec pressed on, determinedly, “I have to make sure you’re not gonna, I dunno, slip into a coma or something.”

Eliot peeked an eye out from under his arm, checking to see if Alec was being serious or not.

“Alec-,” Eliot sighed, seeing the genuine concern on his face.

“Nate said to keep you awake,” Alec said, his voice softening.

“Nate doesn't know shit. And you know better, no one does that anymore. You just need to let me sleep it off.” He implored, dropping his arm back to his side.


“I've had enough of these to know how to deal with one.” He huffed, “And I’ve never had to be coddled.”

“You’ve never had anyone to coddle you before, that’s why.” Alec returned, somewhat snarkily.

Eliot glared at him. “That doesn’t mean you have to start now.”

“That’s exactly why I should start now. And every other time you’re feeling even the least bit poorly.”

Eliot stared at him long enough to see Alec’s lips twitch with his own amusement. He shook his head, chuckling softly and muttering a fond “Shut up, Hardison.” before promptly closing his eyes and praying that that put paid to the whole silly idea of Alec wanting to look after him. He heard Alec huff, his body shifting in the chair he’d pulled up beside Eliot’s bed, heard the snip of his laptop being closed and placed carefully on the floor.

And then he all but heard Alec smile moments before a finger jabbed itself unceremoniously into his side.

Quicker than he could anticipate, Eliot launched himself upwards, his arms reaching out and grabbing at Alec before dragging him over and onto the bed beside him before Alec had even finished yelping out his surprise.

Pinned down beneath the weight of Eliot’s upper body and staring up into his glaring eyes, Alec could only swallow, offering up a nervous smile and a placating "my bad?"

He opened his mouth to continue blabbing his apologies and excuses only to have it all muffled beneath the sudden crush of Eliot's mouth. His words died in his throat as the hard press of Eliot's mouth softened a moment later, his lips moving more gently against Alec's mouth, enticing him into compliance.

Just as Alec began to relax into the kiss, his own mouth moving to work against Eliot's, Eliot pulled back, a quick smile twisting his mouth.

Alec licked his lips.

Eliot shook his head with amusement, “If I'd know that all it took was a kiss to shut you up, I'd have done it hours ago.”

Alec began spluttered with indignation as Eliot lay down beside him, man-handing him into position before pulling Alec tight against his chest.

“If you can keep quite and let me sleep this off, I'll do more than kiss you when I’ wake up.” Eliot whispered.

Eliot smiled against Alec's ear as his spluttering stopped and, finally, Alec was blissfully silent.

Right up until…

“You know, kissing me every time I talk isn’t the greatest way to shut me up.”

“Hardison!” Eliot ground out to the sound of Alec’s laughter.


character: [leverage]: eliot spencer, [&]: [m/m]: eliot spencer/hardison, fic: rating: u, fic: wordcount: 500-1000, character: [leverage]: alec hardison, fanfic: leverage, challenge: the five acts meme

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