{ let it always be known that I was who I am }

May 11, 2010 20:20

§ deancastiel : had their author reveal for the Secret Angels III exchange on Sunday. You can view the Master List of all 100 stories [ here ]. If you can, I recommend you read every damn one of them because they are all amazing (honest, I've slowly been making my own way through them since posting started!) If, however, you haven't the time, I suggest you at least read the two pieces I wrote for this round ;D heh.

That Old Black Magic [Dean/Castiel | NC-17 | Upon wrapping up their latest case in New Orleans, (the one with the zombies and the blood magic and some wannabe voodoo queen), all Dean wanted to do was head back to the motel, jump in the shower and wash the stinking scent of burning flesh and blood off and out of every part of him. Was that really too much to ask?]
Between a Rock and a Holy Place [Dean/Castiel | NC-17 | Dean and Castiel talk about Castiel’s search for God. This leads to sex. XD]

Both of these are fics of which I'm pretty damn proud of. The former because though I'm aware I can be somewhat amusing on occasion (or so I'm told ;D), it's not something I've ever been able to do upon demand, and one of the requirements for That Old Black Magic was for it to contain humour. Thankfully I seemed to have pulled it off and cannot thank indiefairy  enough for the beta and for reassuring me that it wasn't nearly as forced as I thought it might've been! ::snugs::

As for Between a Rock and Holy Place, I just had complete fun with this one. It was my pinch-hit fic and, thanks to their being no requests for humour, I felt less pressured to write any. That said, the banter between Dean and Castiel did turn out quite humourous all on it's own XD I'm rather proud of how well it turned out in the end. Super thanks has to go to zeitheist  for beta-ing the hell out of this one for me.

§ sncross_bigbang : has begun posting. HUZZAH! My posting date is set for Wednesday 19th May. I'm actually very excited for it. I doubt my fic'll be the most spectacular thing every read, but it's one of those 'written for myself' pieces and I'm rather happy with how it turned out. I've yet to see what my artist came up with for it, so I'm pretty psyched for that part too :D

§ deancasbigbang : oh yes, you know what's coming. But don't despair! This is actually doable! Honest! :D It'll be nothing like apocabigbang  and the spn_j2_bigbang  disasters!

Seriously guys, this bigbang involes a mini-bang (10,000words min) and a bigbang (20,000words min), the idea being that you can sign up for the mini-bang in order to take the 'threat' of writing a bigbang away, it's also there to encourage you to write more than the minimum word count. If you sign up for the mini-bang and write 20,000+words of fic, you're then allowed to ask to be put onto the bigbang instead. You get art for both, but you get two pieces if you sign up for the bigbang.

PLUS! It's a Dean/Castiel (Jensen/Misha) centric bigbang, surely that's reason enough to sign up?! XD And it means I'll actually get the story I'd been planning for spn_j2_bigbang  finished sooner rather than later! YAY ALL AROUND!

deancasbigbang  deancasbigbang  deancasbigbang 
Join me in my madness? ::winknudge:: Sign-ups open May 15th, all other deadlines can be found on their profile page.

Go on, you know you want to!

challenge: deancastiel: sa iii, challenge: sncross_bigbang, challenge: deancasbigbang, on writing: challenges

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