{ happy new year, ya'll! }

Jan 01, 2010 16:04

Happy New Year, flist!

::draws hearts around all you guys::

I hope everyone had a lovely time breaking in 2010? I, myself, spent it lazying around like a wannabe spinster with my cat, watching my Bones Season Two Boxset and loving every minute of it. XD I loved it so much, in fact, that I'm repeating it all again today! haha. I don't really buy into the whole "celebrating" the new year thing, you see, so I left the getting sloshed and waking up with a hangover part to my sisters ;D

I do however love the idea of New Years Resolutions, and would like to share with ya'll mine:

i. stop biting my nails (ha!)
ii. drink eight glasses of water every day (and no, I'm not giving up irn bru!)
iii. eat my five fruit/veg a day (erm...)
iv. take up some form of fitness sport (::cough::)
v. learn to drive ( :S I'm not looking forward to this one!)
vi. finish my NVQ3 in Pharmacy (by March 2010)

How many do you think I'll actually complete? XD ...have any of you guys made any resolutions? Are you likely to stick with them?

§ On Writing: Fiction Round Up: 2oo9: So I tallied up my fic count for the year and, all in all, it hasn't been a bad year in terms of writing. I'm not all that far off where I was at this point last year (in regards to quantity and word counts at least). However, unlike last year I am infinitely far less satisfied with what I've achieved with my writing this past year. I don't really feel like I've challenged myself enough. I definitely think I've become lazier as a writer over the course of this year, leaving everything till the last possible moment then rush-writing my fic without giving the pieces the attention to detail that I should. Something I definitely plan to remedy this year. I really want to evolve more as a writer instead of feeling like I'm stuck in some kind of rut and going nowhere. I guess more practice less haste, or whatever, is needed this year.

.Totals: Fandoms | Fics | Words
Crossover: 12fics | 35,766words
Heroes: 1fic | 233words
Merlin: 1fic | 523words
Original: 1fic | 1377words
Supernatural | 20fics: 14,860words
Torchwood: 4fics | 2419words
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Overall Total, 2009: 39fics | 55,178words
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§ On Writing: Works in Progress: 2010: I've started a new list for pieces of fiction I want/plan to write this year. I've removed quite a few fics I had sitting on my list from last year as even though, ideally, I'd love to be able to finish and post them all, I don't realistically see me getting them done for whatever reason. Alas. Perhaps one day I'll finally clear out my WIP folder and be done with them all!
I'm off playing happy families for the rest of the day. I may or may not bother to watch Doctor Who. I haven't quite decided if it'll be worth an hour of my life yet. Are you guys going to be watching it?

on writing: fiction round-up

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