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iceandlime March 22 2009, 21:59:31 UTC
Your report is one of the best I've read. Really captures the atmosphere of the weekend perfectly. Oh and I have a woooonderful pic of Matt in those pants. Seriously that was so funny.


cs_whitewolf March 22 2009, 22:03:51 UTC
Thank you! :D The ones I've read have been good with having lots of recall and lush pics in them, but me? I just decided to go for the fangirling post of gushyness, haha.

OMG you do? You have to share that with me, please? It was like heaven watching him walk around in those pants XD hehe alas I haven't seen so much as a wiff of a picture of him in them.


iceandlime March 22 2009, 22:07:59 UTC
I haven't even written up a report myself, I'm so lazy XD I just love reading all the others.

Certainly! But I don't really want to link to it publicly, do you have an email I can send it to? I've got one of him in my wig from later in the evening too which is quite amusing.


cs_whitewolf March 22 2009, 22:10:23 UTC
I like having my own "copy" of events, if you will, which is why I tend to do them X)

Sure thing! cs_whitewolf@hotmail.com is the one you can get me on :D can't wait to see the wig one XD I can't rememeber if I saw him wearing one that night, I know he was in a very fetching hat at one point, haha.


iceandlime March 22 2009, 22:13:28 UTC
Yeah I really should do a write up, because I know exactly what you mean. My mind tends to be like a sieve though, and I forget it all before I have time to type it up!

Okies I'll email you with it! Oh the hat was very funny. I think I saw a pic in someone's report which showed that, while he was having the fortune telling. Luckily he only ended up in my wig and not my tights, which he asked for at one point (I might have been drunk, but I like to keep all my own clothes on ;) )


cs_whitewolf March 22 2009, 22:44:40 UTC
Heh, mine too! I had great plans to take notes and everything this year but I forsaked that in favour of just having a damn good time XD heh

Thanks so much for the email :) I really appreciate that! haha, what, you wouldn't give up your tights to Matt? Poor bloke was obviously going for the crossdressing look that evening XD tehehe


iceandlime March 22 2009, 22:50:28 UTC
I was going to twitter while I was there, but that sort of fell through.

No probs at all, hon :) and no, he offered me his jeans for the tights, but I thought come Sunday morning he realllly wouldn't want to wake up realising he'd been in female underwear and tights all night. XD


cs_whitewolf March 22 2009, 23:24:38 UTC
Yeah, I had that plan too 'cept I left my phone charger back in Scotland so yeah, all the more reason to sit back and just go with the flow XD

Heh. Matt is one dark horse. My goodness! I really don't think anyone can say they're not half inlove with him after that weekend, heh.

Hey, was checking out your profile and spotted you're a Supernatural fan too. You going to Asylum??


iceandlime March 22 2009, 23:54:51 UTC
Oh lordy, I think if I was without my phone I'd be a nightmare! I'd feel like my arm had been chopped off.

He is that! It's a shame the tour he was doing doesn't (didn't?) have more convenient dates, I'd have definitely gone along.

Unfortunately not! :( I ummed and ahhed over going and was going to get a ticket but then they sold out, so sadly I'll just have to be content with reading reports.


cs_whitewolf March 23 2009, 00:00:18 UTC
My phone just doesn't like The Hub. Last one it crashed and took a month to fix O_O... so a dead battery was a tad more comforting this time XD heh.

Man, I know! He was supposed to be in Glasgow this weekend but no one knows anything about it :( the one theatre I managed to find listed on The Reduced Company's webpage didn't have a clue what I was going on about so yeah. I totally missed his show (if he even actually had on here!). Alas. I've heard some of his podcast interviews and the shows sound like they're a great laugh if nothing else!

Aw, gutted! As soon as I heard Misha Collins was signed up I booked my ticket. It's been getting more exciting ever since. I'm hoping my phone won't die on me at Asylum so I can actually post via my phone more often XD

...would you like to friend, btw? :)


iceandlime March 23 2009, 00:11:37 UTC
Eek, that's not good! Well at least you didn't have that happen this time!

Well that's really odd for the theatre not to know. How very strange! I saw it yeaaaars ago back in the West End and it was brilliant then. If they ever tour again I'd love to get along and see it!

Yeah I should have done the sensible thing and got one then. I'd loooove to meet Misha (even more than the J's, I think). Damn me and my contemplating!

XD Great minds think alike (see the email ;) ) I'll add you now :)


cs_whitewolf March 23 2009, 00:24:10 UTC
I was a bit miffed :( but well, what can you do? I heard through a friend that they'd maybe moved it to Edinburgh but again there's nothing listed so who even knows!

Yeah... Misha sold it for me. And Jensen was a shockingly good surprise (I'm a total Dean fangirl). But when Jared was announced? I about had a heart attack! It's like too good to be true, you know? The three of them? When does that every happen!? lol

heh, awesome! have just added you :)


iceandlime March 23 2009, 00:31:31 UTC
Yeah... not a good way for them to sell tickets, is that. Very odd indeed. I wonder if they had to cancel it there for some specific reason. Maybe we'll never know!

Yeah I bet if they have a panel with the three of them present it will be quite mad. (Though nothing like the Hub cons, I think they are unique in their subject matter XD)

Awesome :)


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