asdfghj flist!!!

Dec 14, 2008 13:38

§ re Asylum 3: omg flist! [ Jensen Ackles has just been announced for Asylum 3! ] That's DEAN omg. AND CASTIEL. OMGEEE. I have to go now. There is like no way I can *not* go. omg. omg. It's like the weekend before the Cardiff JB meetup but I DONT CARE, I cannot miss this. Is there no one on the flist interested in going? or anyone on the flist going that I can maybe come say hiya to so I don't look like a complete nigel?? ::flails like a mad flaily thing:: GUYS!!

§ In related, and very squeeworthy, Castiel news...

" "I'm totally flabbergasted," Collins says. "I had no intimation that there would be any kind of reaction like this at all. I just thought it would be another recurring guest-star spot that would fade away real quick. But the fan reaction has been huge and - this is big news - if the show gets picked up for a fifth season, they're going to make me a regular on the show.

"And I think that's in large part due to the fan reaction, which has been really amazingly supportive and somewhat obsessive." [Source]"

I may die of sheer happiness omg. ::more flaily motions::

§ re thestopwatch fic: dudes, I am so almost finished! XD ...which is good because today is infact the start of the [ Holiday Bang! ] and the 14days of Janto. I'm sort of hoping my piece will get posted before the 22nd (because that's when I leave for S.A. and I probably won't have internet access for a while/if at all once I leave, until I come home sometime in January). And I kind of want to know what everyone thinks of my fic sooner rather than later XD haha. Hey, I've worked hard on this beast, it's totally allowed!

I won't be mentioning the word count anymore (save to say 15,000words? Pfft!) and that I'll be changing my working title too, since it is supposed to be an anonymous fest and all, but I will let you guys know when it's finished and stuff. Also, just want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who's been cheerleading me on with this fic. You guys are so awesome and have really kept me going. Keki especially with all her smexy attempts at boosting me into productiveness (which mostly turned me into lumps of gibberish goo, but MAN they were worth it). <33

challenge: thestopwatch, actor: misha collins, actor: jensen ackles, event: asylum 3, on writing: the fic that killed me, fandom: supernatural, character: [spn]: castiel

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