Writing Projects : 2oo8

Jan 01, 2009 16:25

[ Doctor Who | Harry PotterHeroes | House MD | Merlin | Supernatural | Torchwood ]
Lay Back in the Arms of Someone [br.net | Jack/Ianto | PG/13 | 864words]
Watercolours in the Rain [br.net | Ianto/Lisa, Ianto/OFC | 997words]
Growing On Me [br.net | Ianto/Owen | PG-Rated | 497words]
The Small Print [br.net | Jack/Ianto | PG/13 | 2558words]
In A Cell [Jack/Ianto | NC-17 | comment drabble]
Shared Moment [Ianto/Gwen | Pg-13 | comment drabble]
Sub-Etheric Resonator [Jack/Ianto | R/18-Rated | comment drabble]

By Any Other Name [br.net | Jack/real!Jack | PG-Rated | 1004words]
Sun Goes Down [br.net | Jack/Ianto | U-Rated | 1188words]

First Times [Jack/real!Jack | NC-17 | comment drabble]
Musings [Multiple Pairings | PG-13 | comment drabble]
Creatures Out of Time [real!Jack/Janet the Weevil | U-Rated | comment drabble]
Seeking Comfort [real!Jack/Janet the Weevil | PG-13 | comment drabble]
Just One Little Word [Jack/Ianto | R/18-Rated | 1192words]

Till We Ain't Strangers Anymore [Ianto/PC Andy | PG-13 | drabble]
Extracts from a diary... [Bilis Manger | U-Rated | drabble]
Number the Stars [Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Lisa | PG-13 | drabble]

Don't Ever Change [Gen: Ianto, Gwen | U-Rated | excerpt drabble]
Oranges on Appletrees [Jack/real!Jack | R/18 | 4042words]

Breaking All The Rules [Jack/Ianto | U-Rated | 1760words | Coda: DW 4.13]
Out of my Mind [Jack/Ianto | R/18 | 2000words |  kink_bingo: crossdressing]

Lovers In An OrangeGrove [Jack/real!Jack | R/18 | 3246 | kink_bingo: deepthroating]
Testing The Waters [Jack/Ianto | PG/13 | 2159words | thestopwatch entry]

November: Caspe-Wri-Mo
- in which I attempt to post a piece of fiction a day for the month of November 08. [tag:  challenge: caspe-wri-mo]
--Doctor Who
Born to Walk Alone [Gen. Tenth | U-Rated | 200words]
--House MD
and the damage done [Gen. House | U-Rated | 100words]
And Nothing Else Matters [House/Chase | U-Rated | 386words]
Good things come to those who wait [Arthur/Merlin | U-Rated | 540words | Coda CIN 08]
Untitled [Gen. Arthur, Merlin (Merlin/Gwen) | U-Rated | 310words | Coda: 1.03]
We played on horses made of sticks [Arthur/Merlin | U-Rated | 394words | Coda 1.10]
Over Troubles Waters [Gen. Arthur, Morgana, (Merlin) | U-Rated | 766words |Coda 1.10]
A Sorta Fairytale (part 1) [Dean/Sam | R/18-Rated | Coda 2.20]
Gone in the Morning [John/Dean, (Sam) | R/18-Rated | 393words]
Midnight Show (part 1 | part 2 | part 3) [Jack/Ianto/Andy | R/18 | 3000words total]
Rootless Tree[Gen. Ianto, Lisa | PG-13 | 1099words]
(I just) died in your arms tonight [Gen. Ianto, Owen | PG-Rated | 500words]
Hand That Feeds [Pre-Het. Gwen, Ianto | PG-Rated | 259words]
Not-So Perfect (part 1 | part 2 | part 3) [Jack/Female!Ianto | PG-Rated | 1730words total]
Romancing the Storm [Gen. Ianto, Eight | U-Rated | 1000words]
Wind in the Wires [Gen. Ianto, Eight (Ianto/Lisa) | U-Rated | 2000words]
With Friends Like These [Eleven/Jack/Ianto | PG-13 | 700words]
Don't Turn Around [Jack/Ianto, (Jack/Gwen, Gwen/Rhys) | U-Rated | 350words | Coda: 2.04]
Three minutes and forty-two seconds [Ianto/Owen | PG-13 | 333words]
Talking in your sleep [Jack/real!Jack | U-Rated | 160words]
Your hands are cold [Jack/Ianto | U-Rated | Coda “Plant Life” | 400words]
In Shadows of Resentment [Unspecified Characters | PG-13 | 200words]
Pretty Vacant [Jack/Ianto | R/18-Rated | 636words | Coda 1.06]
Pillow Talk [Jack/Ianto | U-Rated | 200words]
Time For Change [Gen. Jack, Ianto, (team) | U-Rated | 500words | Coda: 1.04]

The Road to Nowhere (part 1 | part 2 | part 3) [Jack/Ianto, (Jack/real!Jack, Ianto/Lisa | PG-13 | 21,656words]

Fiction Totals | Estimated Word Counts:
Dr Who: 1fic | 200words
House M.D.: 2fics | 486words
Merlin: 4fic | 2010words
Supernatural: 1fic | 965words
Torchwood: 40fics | 53,629words
Overall Total, 2oo8: 48fics | 57,290words approx

challenge: caspe-wri-mo, on writing: writing in progress, on writing: fiction round-up, on writing

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