Comment Porn Party : the first

Mar 23, 2008 17:14

Here's my contribution to

[ First Times | Jack Harkness/Jack "James Harper" Harkness | NC-17 ]

[ Musings | Implied: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Gwen/Tosh, Gwen/Rhys, Ianto/Tosh, Ianto/Gwen/Jack | PG-13 ]

edt to add:

[ Creatures Out of Time | Implied: Real!Jack Harkness/Janet the Weevil | U-Rated ]

[ Seeking Comfort | Real!Jack Harkness/Janet the Weevil | PG-13 ]

...I only wish I'd had more time on my hands to play a little longer! But with the double bill of Torchwood (UNGH!!) and both writing and then accidentaly deleting a challenge fic (FUME!!) I had due, time really wasn't on my side! Still, I'm rather proud of the first piece I managed to churn out ;) and implore ya'll to head on over and check out some of the other great gems that were posted in response. Alas there weren't nearly enough people participating, but who says the party needs to end? If you're feeling inspired just go on and post your offering of porn ;) we'll love you for it!!

[&]: [m/m]: jack harkness/real!jack, challenge: comment porn party, fanfic: torchwood

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