They're showing Cyberwoman on BBC3 right now.
I could cry. Not because I find this episode particularly sad or anything :/ (sorry Ianto!) but because it feels like they're teasing me with these repeats. January cannot come fast enough!! (do we know a date yet??)
...also, that head shake Ianto does when Dr Tanazaki is groping Lisa? Makes me LOL XD oh
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I dont know if this is true but I read some were that the first episdoe will air new years day and then the second episdoe right after on bbc3.
I hope this is true and that every one who does not have digital has form now untill xmass to drop hints you want a digital box:)
Oh, I do feel sorry for Ianto in this episode, but... well all that anger and fighting and man pain makes me fangirl more heh
I watched cyberwoman agane last nite there are so many little bits that I didnt remember like Ianto saying his boss said he doesnt eat enough vegetables. Is such a good episode and heart breaking as well.
You know, I think it's a result of reading too much fanfic, but I've got it in my head now that Ianto's the 'sensible' kind and that he'd, you know, eat his veg XD haha
Thanks for checking, even if you you couldn't anything definate :D
I found this and just had to share. There are spoilers for season 2 of torchwood and it mentions a small one for Ianto that made me squee a bit.
Please dont read it you dont want to know any spoilers for next season :)
What's that all about!?
She just aggravates me so damn much! I hope in vein that S2 will show a better side of her and that she doesn't end up whoring herself out to Jack.
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