They're showing Cyberwoman on BBC3 right now.
I could cry. Not because I find this episode particularly sad or anything :/ (sorry Ianto!) but because it feels like they're teasing me with these repeats. January cannot come fast enough!! (do we know a date yet??)
...also, that head shake Ianto does when Dr Tanazaki is groping Lisa? Makes me LOL XD oh
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I think they're just trying to build up the hype for the next series, as if they even need to! (:
Man. I can't wait till they announce a date for Torchwood. I'll be a flailing puddle of goo no matter what the first ep is about XD haha
When the release the date my flist is going to go insane! I think we'll all be totally insane with squee (: I keep looking out for adverts but we'll just have to wait
But yes! Flailing there shall be lots of XD I CAN'T wait!!
Knowing what TV is like they'll probably keep us hanging till after Christmas but you never know. Though when they finally get trailers out there will be much squee (:
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