Monday Recs
(from the
torchwood_three newsletter)
I decided it was past time I updated my list of recs from the T3 newsletter. Hope ya'll enjoy these as much as I did!
**NEW** Editor's Choice:
Fanart: Costal Winds by
johanirae[Crossover: TW/Heroes | Ianto/Peter Petrelli | PG-Rated]
Why I liked it: I am completely biased in choosing this for the Editor's Choice, but for good reason- it is a superb piece of fanart for a start, and I am in complete awe of
johanirae's use of watercolour, not to mention the way she's captured the moment between Ianto and Peter (who look positively gorgeous, if I may say)!
**NEW** Editor's Choice:
First Impressions by
travels_in_time[Jack, Ianto | G-Rated | Spoilers for Cyberwoman and Dr Who episode "Doomsday"]
Why I liked it: Ianto, in this piece, is so wonderfully numbed by the immediate aftermath of Doomsday as he searches frantically for survivers (one in particular) with the help of Jack Harkness. You get a real sense of desolution from the way
travels_in_timewrites his character, enabling the reader to feel just as not-quite-there as Ianto himself is at the time.
**NEW** Editor's Choice:
Undone by
jadesfire2808[Jack | 12-Rated]
Why I liked it: It's a very poignant Jack-centric story, that takes a sneak peak into one moment of his life and leaves us, the reader, somewhat saddened by the events that take place.
jadesfire2808labels the piece in her warnings as dealing with "potentially sensitive themes", I'd take head of this before jumping in to read!
**NEW** Editor's Choice:
Torchwood icons (9 animated + 13 stills)Why I liked it: It's the animated icons I'm most fond of, there's something so very beautiful about their simplicity that has the fangirl in me snagging almost every single one :D
**NEW** Editor's Choice:
The Harkness Supremacy by
fangrrl_squees [Crossover: TW/James Bond/Jason Bourne | Slash | R-Rated]
Why I liked it: It's very well done for a non-typical crossover! I'd certainly never entertained the thought of a fic featuring Jack Harkness, James Bond and Jason Bourne before, but boy was this a pleasure to read. The plot is great, the characters are spot on, and for those of you looking for the slash, Jack more than makes up for what little there is by being his usual exuberant and flirtatious self!
Editor's Choice:
Waiting by
sunsetmog [Owen/Ianto, Jack/Ianto | R/NC-17]
Why I liked it: I love my angst, really I do, and this fic couldn't be a better reflection of just what it means to drag your reader down with your characters and make them feel as hopeless and despairing as they themselves are feeling. It's beautiful and bittersweet and will leave you aching for something more.
Editor's Choice:
18 Torchwood Comic icons by
mizzybox Why I liked it: These comic icons have to be some of the most adorable I've ever seen! You can be sure Myfanway and Abbadon at least will be making their way into my usericons ;)
Editor's Choice:
Employee Relations by
entangled_now[Ianto/Owen | 18-Rated]
Why I liked it: Never before has the thought of being covered in 'purple intestines' appealed to me. But if my situation ever ended up like Ianto and Owen's did, I'd be one mighty happy girl. Hot, delicious and utterly satisfying a read.
Editor's Choice:
Shine (Chapter 1) by
pike2 [Crossover: Torchwood/Doctor Who | | PG-13]
Why I liked it: There's not alot in fiction that suprises me, I'm pretty good at guessing where a fic is going by the time we get there. The ending to this first chapter however actually made me gasp! I look forward to seeing where the author will take this.
Editor's Choice:
Clouds Beyond The Branches by
elke_tanzer [Jack/Estelle | G-Rated]
Why I liked it: Remember what I said about unconventional pairings? Well, okay, so at least Jack/Estelle is canon, but it's also rare and that's what called out to me. Beatifully written and enchanting to read, even if it is het ;)
Editor's Choice:
Torchwood doodles by
luinecu[Jack, Ianto | G-Rated]
Why I liked it: Because art is pretty to oogle and those two boys are even more so, even if they are just doodles! heh.
Editor's Choice:
Big Coat Man FanArt by
ryuuri_chan[Toddler Jack and Ianto]
Why I liked it: Because the boys look so darn cute in this piece, it's hard not to gush over it and want to pinch their little cartoon-y cheeks. XD
Editor's Choice:
Pub, Lies and Banana Boats by
toestastegood[Owen/Rhys | PG-13]
Why I liked it: Because unconventional pairings are love, and the characterisations are just spot on- it's a story you can actually believe would happen, especially with the bittersweetness of the ending.