Doctor Who teaser-trailer question time

May 19, 2007 18:09

Okay flist, ya'll watched the Jonathan Ross show last night, right? And ya'll saw that trailer they played for Jack's return in Doctor Who, right?

Good. Because something about it has been bugging the buggery out of me the entire day (and until I get my hands on a d/l or YouTube of it, I'm relying on you flist to help me out here), so here's the ( Read more... )

mood: b'wah!?, fandom: [!]: reaction post, fandom: doctor who, misc: a little help...?

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pinkamethyst May 19 2007, 18:13:12 UTC
I don't think he actually hits the accelerate button, because he says something like "what, we're accelerating" in a really surprised voice. He does hit a button to make the TARDIS disentigrate, but the acceleration is an accident, or a side-effect of Jack throwing himself at the TARDIS whilst it's moving. I don't understand why Jack's even running for the TARDIS, when it materilises in the hub anyway. The trailer's just confusing. The Doctor realises the Rift's opened since he was last there, yet he doesn't stop to investigate? Also, I don't understand why he isn't happy to see Jack. Yeah, Jack's a reminder of Rose, and of him as Nine, but he doesn't even really seem to express surprise that Jack's still alive? I really don't get why he runs away from Jack. Even if he knows Jack's working for Torchwood (he doesn't seem to know that in Doomsday though, does he?), it's quite an extreme reaction, given his natural curiosity and all.


cs_whitewolf May 19 2007, 18:41:12 UTC
EXACTLY! To your whole reply. There is just so much that's not adding up. And I think we can pretty much garuntee that they're not working to keep DW and TW in sync with each other, which is greatly upsetting. You'd they'd make more of an effort to keep things working in sync after the continuity disasters they had in Torchwood :S


pinkamethyst May 19 2007, 19:06:59 UTC
I kind of understand why they can't refer too much to Torchwood -- because of the younger audience and all. But surely it wouldn't be that to explain that Jack had been working for Torchwood; after all, Torchwood has been in Doctor Who too. And besides, from the ending of Torchwood, it definately looked like the Doctor had come to the Hub specifically; now it just looks like he'd come to Cardiff accidently.


cs_whitewolf May 19 2007, 22:39:13 UTC
I heard as well that the Doctor won't make an appearance in Torchwood. Guess they really do want to keep the two shows seperate! It's kind of disappointing in a way though, as it would have been nice to have a bit more of an overlap- or at least a connection that makes sense for both fandoms!


pinkamethyst May 19 2007, 22:42:00 UTC
That is weird, that the Doctor won't appear in Torchwood. I know RTD said none of the other Torchwood characters cross over into Doctor Who, but I can't see why Doctor Who characters can't cross over into Torchwood. Besides, they're goign to have to think of something to explain why Jack's alive, and just where he's been all these years, and explain why the Doctor doesn't want to see him. :S


cs_whitewolf May 19 2007, 22:50:54 UTC
A part of me keeps thinking that the people writing TW and DW haven't thought things out too well. But then, maybe come Jack's episodes/the start of Torchwood season two, everything will begin to fall into place and us fangirls will be appeased. Right now though it's seeming like quite a bit of a mess :S if you know what I mean? Alas, that we shall just have to wait and see :S


pinkamethyst May 19 2007, 22:54:38 UTC
Mmm... Well, to be honest, I thought the whole of the first series of Torchwood was a bit of a mess. Watching this series of Doctor Who so far, it really stands out how badly written Torchwood was, and I really don't understand why. It's like, same team of writers (almost), so why was Torchwood so bad? But, y'know, that's a different kettle of fish altogether, I suppose. I don't know, maybe when Jack comes back it'll be really well written and be everything we all want it to be, and then I'll stop complaining about it all!


cs_whitewolf May 19 2007, 23:06:08 UTC
Torchwood was really badly put together, no question about it. They could have done so much better with things and I think the fact that they kept removing/editing the sequence of the episodes was partly at fault for this along with the fact that there wasn't any particular 'lasting' plotline until the end episodes, (that whole rift scenario).

I know it was the characters that appealed to me more than the episodes themselves, which explains my complete fangirling over the series, but I seriously hope that in series two they're going to actually have a sit down and a think about just where they want to take the series. It's all very well and good having a more adult spin off, all they need now it to make it work in a believable/realistic way.

Heh, see here's me letting out all my moans now! XD we'll keep our fingers crossed for everything turning out for the better when Jack comes back!


pinkamethyst May 20 2007, 08:41:28 UTC
The storylines were just awful, for the most part. The only ones I actually liked (the point of fangirling) were Keep Killing Suzie and the last two. Those were, in my opinion, the best written out of the whole series, and they actually got the right blend of character and story. The others just felt somewhat boring, and like they were focussing too much on characters. And there lies Torchwood's main fault: the characters. I didn't care about most of the characters, so I wasn't prepared to sit through an entire storyline about Gwen, when I found both Gwen and the storyline ridiculous. And for a lot of the series, each episode focussed on only one character, without involving any other characters as parts of the plotline, yet by the next episode, all characters appeared to have moved on, and there was no fall-out at all.


cs_whitewolf May 20 2007, 11:17:05 UTC
See I really want to say that it was the characters that kept me watching, and it was mostly where Ianto and Jack were concerned. Now they both have somewhat contradicting personalities at times, but my fangirling glee for them could over look that for the most part. Yeah, I'm shallow like that XD ( ... )


pinkamethyst May 20 2007, 11:24:07 UTC
Jack and Ianto were probably what kept most of the viewers watching for the series. If you ignore my fangirling and love of slash (and serious adoration of both John and Gareth), they were the most interesting characters because we know the least about them. Ianto appears nice at the start, but we discover he's been hiding a huge secret from the whole team. Jack, Jack's just intriguing, though I have to admit, I was a bit annoyed that they didn't tell us much more about him throughout the series, though I suppose they're saving that for Doctor Who. Tosh, they could've done so much more with her, I thought. Gwen was just plain annoying most of the time. Clearly couldn't do her job, gave up on her after the first couple of episodes. Owen had quite a nice chest; apart from that, I barely even noticed him! Suzie is maybe my favourite character, though she was only in two episodes. I can't really explain why I like her so much, but it just felt like there was so much to be explored with her, especially her relationship with Jack. (Jack/ ( ... )


cs_whitewolf May 20 2007, 18:05:56 UTC
The thing is, we've seen the 'better' though many of the Doctor Who epsiodes. I don't see how it could be that much of a hardship to carry that on into Torchwood. We get that they want the series to be more adult/darker than DW, but what they need to decide now is not 'what' else to do with it, but 'where' they actually want the series to go.

It's all very well and good having an 'alien of the week' type thing going on, but us watchers need something with a bit more sustanace to keep us going- better character development, better plot continuity, things like that.

I'm sure Jack and Ianto could keep us fangirls happy through another season, just in terms of the eye candy and the banter between them, but really there are only so many stopwatch innuendos that are going to keep us going ;)


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