oh my!

Dec 01, 2007 20:36

...I've just discovered that the last time I posted fic was on the third of October. That's almost two whole months ago. I am feeling somewhat numbed by this revelation and request the biggest kick up the arse my flist has to offer. No, seriously. Someone please prompt me or something to aid in the getting back of the groove, because at the moment ( Read more... )

[&]: [m/m]: jack harkness/ianto jones, [&]: [m/m]: ianto jones/pc andy, on writing, challenge: gift me please!, fanfic: torchwood

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cs_whitewolf December 16 2007, 17:26:08 UTC
Jack convinces Ianto to give camping one more try. - Jack/Ianto

"I'd really rather not," Ianto said, stiffening, "if it's all the same to you, sir."

Jack gave the canvas bag he'd been struggling with one final heave, grunting with satisfaction as it jammed itself into the boot of the SUV just long enough to allow him to slam the door shut. Turning, Jack's grin of triumph slipped from his face as he looked at the closed expression on Ianto's own face.

"But... why ever not?" Jack asked, with honest perplexity. Ianto raised an eyebrow at the Captain's question.

"You certainly haven't forgotten 'Operation Countrycide', have you?" Ianto prompted. "You remember- with the Welsh cannibals? Where we all nearly became dinner?"

Jack waved his hand dismissively, "Oh come on, Ianto, that was once. You were camping before that incident, I don't see why one little setback should put you off for life."

"I beg your pardon?" Ianto gaped at Jack. "I believe you missed the part where I was tenderised and about to have my throat slit open. Can't think why that should stick in your memory of course, as insignificant as that one incident was."

"I didn't mean it like that..." Jack raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. Ianto lifted his chin defiantly, his hands flexing at his sides.

"How then did you mean it, sir?"

"Ianto..." Jack stepped forward, reaching out to take Ianto's hands into his own. Ianto met his gaze with determined stubbornness and Jack grinned softly at him. "I'm sorry, I really don't mean to make what happened in the Brecon's seem in anyway insignificant. I was there, I know what all of you had to go through, and if I hadn't been as terrified of losing you all as I was, I'd have murdered the lot of them."

"Jack-," Ianto managed the Captain's name before Jack shook his head to still his words.

"I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, Ianto, just to remind you that I was there as well. To remind you that it was one of the many situations we're forced to face in this job and that we can't let them get the better of us."

"I'm not afraid to go camping, Jack. We never actually got to that bit, if you recall. I just... why temp fate? We'll be out in the middle of nowhere, our communications will be out of range, Gwen and Tosh with exchange subtle but snarky comments with each other, Owen will complain about everything and anything to anyone who'll listen, and us? We'll be... miserable."

"...who said anything about the rest of the team coming along?" Jack's grin widened slightly.

"I- what?" Ianto blinked.

"I'm not asking you along on a mission, Ianto, I'm asking you out on a 'weekend-away'." He stepped in closer, his grin pressing against Ianto's cheek.

"But..." Ianto's mouth went suddenly dry. "Camping, sir?"

"Cannibal situation aside, why not?" Jack purred into his ear, "You and me, a tent, miles away from any kind of interruption... plenty of lube," here he pulled away enough to waggle his eyebrows at Ianto who couldn't help but smile, his cheeks reddening just slightly.

"And communications?" Ianto asked, somewhat breathlessly.

"Only if we turn our phones back on." He squeezed at Ianto's hands. "What do you say?"

Ianto paused, wetting his lips a moment before allowing his face to break out into a smile, "I believe you've convinced me to give camping one more try, sir."


dr_is_in December 18 2007, 03:22:54 UTC

You can't end it there! We must read about the camping trip! MORE!


Demanding little snot, aren't I?


cs_whitewolf December 18 2007, 21:09:40 UTC
Haha, indeed!

I'd write more, but you know the prompt only specified Ianto being convinced, not the actual trip itself ;) heh

Cheers, darling!!


dr_is_in December 18 2007, 22:25:07 UTC
**cheesy grin**
Could always write it as a Christmas present to me.....


cs_whitewolf December 18 2007, 22:42:41 UTC

You lot'll be the death of me!

::makes post-it note because she cannot resist::


dr_is_in December 19 2007, 00:00:55 UTC
**smushhuggles** I love you?


cs_whitewolf December 19 2007, 00:11:07 UTC
::grumbles:: Aye, you'd better!


grlindirtyshirt December 18 2007, 04:46:00 UTC
Ha, totally believable and I loved it. It also fits my belief that camping is just male code for sex outdoors.


cs_whitewolf December 18 2007, 21:22:44 UTC
...and for part two we have "Torchwood: Brokeback Mountain Style" XD haha. It totally is though, why else would they go camping?

Thanks for reading!
CS WhiteWolf


grlindirtyshirt December 19 2007, 04:25:07 UTC
Ha, I didn't even think about Brokeback Mountain! (that fits my theory as well) Really, I've just been camping enough with certain people to know that's the reason they want to go.


daylyn December 18 2007, 06:49:09 UTC
Awwww... wonderful. Just sweet and perfect and wonderful. Yes, I can see why Ianto would be reluctant to try camping, but... with the right prompting... he'd be willing.

Very, very cute.


cs_whitewolf December 18 2007, 21:43:32 UTC
X) He really doesn't want to tempt fate, but as you say, with the right prompting anything is possible! heh

Thankies, hun!


flmun December 18 2007, 07:25:58 UTC
Vrry cute. Mmmmm...Jack purring...


cs_whitewolf December 18 2007, 21:28:49 UTC
Really, it's not like Ianto had much choice against a purring Jack ;D heh

Thanks for reading!
CS WhiteWolf


joulez217 December 18 2007, 09:40:36 UTC
Where the rest?? You seriously can't leave us like that!!!

Nice work as usual! I liked this (do you think there is gonna come a day whe I don't say that to your fics??? Nah!!) a lot!!! :D


cs_whitewolf December 18 2007, 21:31:06 UTC
Rest, whaddya mean *rest*!? Wasn't this enough!? XD you people are so hard to pleae! haha

Thanks, hun :) and hush you, you'll make me blush!!


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