Sep 27, 2006 17:28
so far my weeks been alright. I'm pretty sick and its that annoying kind of headcold that just drains you. Good news though, i'm most likely going to get accepted into the school i wanted which is sweet. Chris came over last night, hes adorable. My dads coming like soon, like nowish to pick me up to meet his new gf. It kind of sucks because i watching the gay cowboys hah. My brithday is in like 4 days i think, idk monday, so this basically means i'm having fun all weekend. I'm seeing kate meg ang and like 2378407 other people at some point i think, but the only person i really feel like seeing is meg, and i have no idea why. Well i want to see chris too, but hes obvious. I sold the rest of my weed the other day, well actually thats a lie, but most of it. I'm so over drugs, pass me a beer, i guess thats better. I'm not sure how i feel at this moment, a bit akward, happy, and wierd all at the same time I haven't ever felt like this, at least not in a long while. I'm learning to space from people so that i can live a separate life, and not only care about just a few, i guess thats good. Things never go good when i see someone way to much so a break here or there for me is helping out pretty good. I bought new skis. now all i need is to buy bindings and im all set. They're twin tipped which is sweet for the park. Plus me and kate decided that instead of ski club this year, were going to just buy a season pass to straton and such, even though its so expensive, sighhh.
thats about it