Oct 10, 2005 23:43
So i have a funny story for all you folks out there in cyber space. Today my roomate Victor and I are just hanging out in our room, doing some HW and studying, relaxing and all that good stuff. Then a random kid appears at our door and looks inside at us and says "Hey are you an Astro's fan?" Victor and I a little confused by this say no. The kid looks back at us and says "well i just saw the Texas flag on your closet and figured you were an Astros fan. Im glad you arent tho cause the astros suck." Ok point of fact, the flag hanging on Victor's closet is not a Texas flag...it is a Chilean flag because Victor's family is all from Chile....arent ignorant people funny? As much as I love UGA...it made me realize that there are still a few dumb redneck assholes who get in here...haha yeah, good times.