Apr 29, 2007 11:24

Invisible Children held a movement this weekend called Displace Me.  15 cities hosted peaceful protests where thousands slept in cardboard boxes, photographs and filming took place, celebrities spoke, letters were written to senators, and a call action was expressed.

it was an indescribable feeling to be surrounded by so many thousands of people who desire the same action.  peace in northern uganda.

the 21 minutes of silence...among 6000 people...was almost eerie.  i am so glad i was able to be a part of this.  invisible children is doing a phenominal job by saving and changing lives in northern uganda.  change is possible. it just require vision and action.

cardboard city...

people ask for change...

some danced...

check out invisiblechildren.com if you haven't yet.

become a voice to end a war.
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