Tis true. More drama please, it is very entertaining.
The only countries I tolerate are the USA and Japan. All other countries are worthless. I also give a pass to the Commonwealth of Australia because of dingoes and didgeridooes.
San Jose is an hour south of San Fran (Northern Call). That is definitely a cool place.
Yeah, the actual education system is pretty bad. Of course, most of Cali's infrastructure is bad. Right now there are water shortages all over southern cali.
the foreign country journals don't rot your brain when you read them like people's high school drama entries did.
The only countries I tolerate are the USA and Japan. All other countries are worthless. I also give a pass to the Commonwealth of Australia because of dingoes and didgeridooes.
The California school systems are attrocious.
Visit Northern Cali or San Diego. LA is to suck.
My cousin is moving to the San Jose area...I don't know exactly where that is lol.
And yes, I'd loveee to go to Australia! and Japan!
Yeah, the actual education system is pretty bad. Of course, most of Cali's infrastructure is bad. Right now there are water shortages all over southern cali.
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