Sep 07, 2005 20:42
Today, was not my day.
It all started at the lovely hour of 4:45am. I woke to a throbbing in
my head and a piercing in my ears. As I finally reached conciousness I
realized that not only did I have an intense sinus headache, but the
fire alarm was going off as well. You know what that means....evacuate
the building. The shrill fire alarm echoing down all three flights of
stairs was really awesome for my headache. Shuffled outside and pulled
up a piece of concrete until we were allowed back in. Came back here,
took some medicine and got my heating pad. Finally fell back asleep, to
wake up a few hours later feeling only marginally better. Off to
georgia state I go. Class was okay, just dragged on as usual. Came back
to Oglethorpe for a quick lunch before the dance meeting, but felt
horribly sick to my stomach. Dance meeting went fine - nothing I didn't
know. Hey look, my car has a flat tire. Awesome. I changed my tire and
took it up to the wonderful guys at discount tire. 60 dollars and an
hour later my car was all better.
Things have gotten better since then. Showered, got pretty. I always
try to look nice when I'm having a bad day, because compliments are
sure to make you feel better. Went to class, and dinner. Heard from the
lady I am tutoring for. No tutoring this week, which was a huge relief.
Came back here and took a nap instead. Now I'm just sitting here
enjoying my own company. Charlie is supposed to visit soon. I will be
really upset if he doesn't come through.
Tomorrow will be a better day.