Nov 22, 2005 19:30
The recent events in my life as a broken pecan that was crapped on by a passing pigeon, have led me to do things I don't normally do. I think, simply because it's the way my family deals with stress/frustration/upset/depression/anything/everything. I'll be different, becaus there are certainly better ways to "deal". I find it stupid that I've gone to these measures over something so petty, that should not even bother me, because I have better people in my life than this. ...Even though I am still in the broken pecan stage.
There are better things to worry about, seeing as though Thanksgiving is on the horizon and I have the best group of family and certain friends to look after me.
I vow to stop. To not sink low, though recent events have weighed me down. I'd have to say feelings have progressed from "crushed" to angry. So instead of being a broken pecan that was crapped on by a passing pigeon, I am now a broken pecan that has gotten rid of the pigeon poop smell, and now has an angry face on.
P.S.: I hope you find this just a little bit humorous, because that's one of the ways I look at it to make it look..simply...funny.
I'm dying to see that new Harry Potter movie. Anyone care to join me..err.., say, Wedensday night?!
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