May 13, 2004 20:56

Dude, Tiki your brother is maad mad mad pissed! *roll* wow.. he HUNG UP ON ME! I was like dayyyyyyum he for real is mad. I take that comment back about finding someone to chopperstile him! *roll* for real... you never know. LOL. You are gonna come into work tomorrow and see 8488484837373 journal entries made by me. WOW! For real tho girl... if Robert actually went to MIAMI wow.. yeah we would be MIA (thats right Missing and in action) *roll* I cannot believe i heard him saying that isht right ... by you while you were on the phone. Saying "i'd put it on her right now:" I was like *eek* whattta.. oh no he didn't .. oh boy... LOL I for real cannot stop thinking about his hip swaying ... lip licking ass. LOL Ok.. i'll try to stop. So eddie said he for real was going tho even tho tcox like flipped the fuck out. LOL that was MAD outta control.... he went off for about 5 minutes loud as hell then all of a sudden it was DEAD SILENCE! I was like WHAT! GIRL I WISH YOU HAD A PHONE THIS ISHT IS RIDICULOUS. I am stuck here till 11:00 pm.. and for what to sit here and vent to myself b/c I have NOONE to talk to for real.grrr.... this yeah.... I am gonna wake up hella hella early tomorrow.. (i think i just got NEW motivation) IFYOUKNOWWHATIMSAYING *roll* I am gonna do my taebo workout... and shower and get ready all before 8 so I can talk to tiki for like 2 hours before I have to go to my internship. I guess I'll shut up now and go browse insiders.... or jjb or something blah!
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