- 09:50 wants @realsciggles to come back over on Friday or Saturday to go see The Last Airbender wif her!! #
- 10:01 @ RealSciggles but... but... Sokka and Momo need you! #
- 11:22 Fox is so tiny playing with these older kids! #
- 16:32 Made a mistake of going inside my old home (Alan stripped & abandoned it) It's hard to see your dreams literally crushed #
- 17:07 Recovering from that last emotional breakdown. I rarely lose it like that in front of my kids. :( #
- 18:34 @ RealSciggles You've been egged? #
- 18:39 @ Dragoneer damn, I didn't get a chance to check your teeth and ankles to see if you were good breeding stock yet! #
- 23:31 @ realsciggles @dragoneer yes... I see the family resemblance! #
... and that, as they say, is that.