Fun Fires!

Dec 05, 2006 05:36

Well, since we are in the full swing of Fire Season, we had a good one going this weekend just in time for Christine's visit.

Here's the road I usually take to get to the kid's school and work.

Yeah, that made for a GREAT commute yesterday.

Other than the fire, I had a great weekend with Christine. We didn't do much of anything important, we just hung out. She brought a show called "Black Books" for me to watch. I loved it and the kids giggled through out the show as well. Susan woke up Monday (after I had left with Christine) and was bummed to find that she hadn't left the show behind. :)

We went to the MAUL on Sunday to meet up with Christine's mom. It was a lot of fun. I intended to try to get some Christmas shopping done, but I only came home with one gift each for Syd and Fox. We did have nummy coffee and cheesecake though!

My hopes of getting a Christmas tree were dashed when all of Ventura County ended up on fire. :: shakes fist at the fates:: It was also complicated by the fact that very few places put that tacky white flock on trees anymore. I WANT TACKY WHITE FLOCK, DAMNIT!! Simply because Alan would never let me have the messy stuff. :: REBEL WITHOUT A CLUE :: ... so the search continues.

Christine brought one of those gingerbread house kits for my kids to work on. Things were going fairly okay until we realized that Christine needed a hand mixer for the cake she was also making so she and I headed off to Rite-Aid. By the time we got back, Sydney and Fox had been sent to their room and Susan was covered in frosting as she tried to save the house. She also had my cell phone on her ear and I don't think I'll ever get the frosting out of the buttons. ew!

So much keeps happening and I have ZERO time to keep up on it. Work is about to drive me nuts. I was THIS close yesterday to walking out. I long for a job where I can be part of a team and truly get involved and be a productive member. I'm most definitely "just a temp" to these people and that pretty much translates to "Dumping Zone". I keep applying for jobs elsewhere in the company, but I don't even get call backs. I think it's time to start looking for a lowly receptionist job just so I have a place to call home (and maybe some health benefits??). It breaks me when I look at the two people they hired in the department instead of me and how those two people depend so heavily on me to even do simple tasks. How can someone hired at that high a level NOT be able to figure out how to change the printer toner?? ::sighs:: Everyone is too busy putting out fires instead of working together to form a smooth working machine. So... I'll continue to go to work. I'll do as much as I can each day. I'll learn as much as I can each day. ... and then, at 4pm, I'll drop it all like a hot rock and go home. I just can't waste time worrying about a job that isn't going to get me anywhere.

Ah yes... venting. :: may be PMSing::

holidays, family, amgen, friends

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