I'm grateful for...

Dec 24, 2011 01:29

Now that the year is coming to a close I have had a chance to evaluate this past year. I have realized that I am overall thankful for having lived another year with may family and loved ones nearby, and some other things as well.

I am grateful for.....

  • ...my traineeship

I never expected to have the best traineeship my program could offer. Many students are jealous that I work there, and it's so well-known and respected. I have met such smart and genuine people there. I'm grateful for the opportunity to grow and learn in such a wonderful place.

  • ...The Sacred Space

I cried the first time I visited this hidden paradise. It's breathtakingly beautiful and I've never felt so at peace. Just say yes to their tea, go rest in a cabana, and all problems are forgotten.

  • ...the roof over my head

Financially, things haven't been so easy, but I have been fortunate enough to have my own room and a patio for Lucy to sniff on. There's more space for her to get around and more people to keep her company. The housemates like her, and that's all I ever asked for. I'm grateful for a bed to come home to.

  • ...my friends
Cynthia, Angie, and Heidi are awesome gals. Cindy shows me what a sister is like. Angie shows me what a real friend is. And Heidi shows me what it's like to have a soul mate.
I'm grateful that I can talk to these gals about anything, and they'll always have a lending ear, a helping hand, and some good advice.
Javy is in his own category. I'm grateful that he still calls to check in, and I'm grateful for the example he sets for me. There's nothing wrong with paving your own road in life and doing what your heart tells you, no matter how strange it may seem. What others think of me should be none of my business.

  • ...my family

I'm grateful that my parents are alive and well, and always there for me to give me words of wisdom and show me how to love. I'm grateful for my relationship with my brothers. They have grown into fine young men and I love that they talk to me about anything and come to me when they have problems or something they're proud of. I'm grateful for my family in El Paso who is always checking up on me and making sure I'm ok.

  • ...my job
I still can't believe I walk dogs for money. It's so satisfying I can't even tell you. Anyone who knows me can tell you I love animals too much, and I don't mind it...

...cus they sure don't.

  • ...Chris

I don't know what I would do without this man. He has gone above and beyond the boyfriend duties. He has good intentions, a good head on his shoulders, he's a hard worker, he's smart (he built his own computer after all), he's affectionate (but not too much), he loves me, and even though he's allergic, he still comes over and pets my cat. I really am a lucky gal.

  • Lucy

My life would be empty without her. She's my fur child and I couldn't trade her for the world. She's the reason I love coming home. She's the greatest sleeping buddy, she's sweet and funny, and I couldn't have gotten myself a better cat. I live for this kitty. I can't believe she's been all mine for 5 years now. Because of her I always have quiet, loving and comforting company, and the purring doesn't hurt either.

  • knowledge
I have learned a lot about myself and so many other things this year. I only hope that next year brings more growth and curiosity, and most importantly commitment on my part to act on this knowledge.

"When we know better, we do better." - Maya Angelou


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