
Dec 02, 2012 23:00

I saw this quote today and I got a feeling I haven't had in quite a long time...and I hated it. Good thing it was quick.

"I remember everything you forgot."

While this quote isn't necessarily true, it sure can feel like it when lightning strikes your heart. Maybe this one struck me because I've made a conscious effort to only remember the good in a relationship, and this reminded me that some bad stuff happened too. Stuff that makes me regret the person I was back then and how I handled things. I was so incredibly weak, it makes me sick to think about it.

But this brings the question, what do they choose to remember about you? It's a question I'll never get answered because those last days I thought I knew him I really didn't. I was tricked and pushed aside and although I forgive what he did, the way I felt then will never go away. I will always have questions, I will always feel duped, and I will always compare my feelings for the next guy to the ones I had for this person I used to know....and then you feel silly for having those feelings for a person whom if you met today, you wouldn't give a minute to.

sigh...young love.
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