Oct 10, 2004 08:22
wow what a long but very fun night. i managed to get some sleep but i was the only one and got made fun of and farted on by no one else but bryn. emily's upstairs sleeping at this moment but i think i have enough rest in me to last me the day. i never thought that a youth leader lock-in could be so entertaining. from chubby bunny, to a game of sardines through a dark and creepy church building. but the best part was by far the midnight mass. it was such a small yet intimate celebration of the eucharist and its a completely different experience when there's only 8 people involved in the mass. the church was completely dark with the exception of a small light behind the alter and some candles, it was absolutely beautiful. bryn, billy, and i did the music and dave was the alter server, complete in the alter server attire. julia did the readings, emily took care of the host and wine, and tammy was just there experiencing it all. so all in all, it was a great night, even though all of us are definitely lacking on sleep. but everything we do is for God so its all worth it, even if it means staying up all night and going to a midnight mass.
before going to the lock-in i spent some time with one of my favorite people. everytime i see this person, whether we do something eventful or not, i never regret a moment. we can find fun and humor in anything and we're always open for new things to do. we, together, are so different from others i think. having a good time doesnt have to involve spending money or going out somewhere, we can have a blast just doing things like making cookies and looking through photo albums. we occassionally get made fun of (emily, bryn, megan....mr perkins) but our randomness is what makes us so awesome. :-) it all comes so natural and everytime i see this person my confidence is restored. it's a pretty good feeling and i never thought i could be so happy with something.
"there's always that one person that will always have your heart, you never see it coming cause you're blinded from the start..."