May 26, 2005 21:14
Some hippies came over to my neighbor's house today, in a beat-up Volkswagen van (of course). Now it's 9:15PM and they're outside banging away at drums and shaking tambourines and saying hippie things like "Wow, I can really feel the energy from this!" I'm really tempted to show them another neighbor's yard---the ones on Clark who ripped up every living thing in their front yard so that it's nothing but dirt. That'll give them something to do-- go bitch at the tree-killing neighbors!
Edit: They finally stopped banging the drums, so I'll be able to sleep--yay! I'm going through all my old textbooks, so the ones I don't want are up for grabs if anyone wants them. They're mostly web-design/ computer applications books, so if you want them, let me know and I'll give them to you. I'm not going to mail them, though, so this only applies to Aiken people, sorry.
I have:
MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Networking)
The Complete Reference: Photoshop 7
Microsoft Access 2002-- Expert Comprehensive
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques
Creating Adobe Acrobat Forms
Macromedia Flash MX: Hands on Training
E-Commerce Concepts: Introductory
Intermediate Algebra: 9th Edition
Understanding Movies
Keyboard Mastery
I'm keeping my books on Javascript and ASP.NET (beginning & programming in databases). You can borrow them, but I need them back for reference.
Also, is there still a store in North Augusta that buys textbooks? I would rather sell some there (if nobody wants them) than on less work involved!