Oct 26, 2006 03:13
eh, just to give you a litle insight on my life for those who care. to all..umm....who actually reads this stuff..anyone?
So in the past couple of weeks i went from being a bit sad, to bein completely happy w/ nothing to lose, to being a little worried and concerned, to being completely miserable, pissed, depressed(good thing that won't happen again...atleast not for the same reason that's for sure)...yay for my life.
School is kicking my ass, but i'm not going down easy. Have a lot of stuff flying my way (like tests, quizes, paper..etc.)
My skating has been improving a little, been getting some of my old shit back, and some of the new. Looking forward towards this weekend, if things go as planned (ha, when was the last time this to happen) i will be happy. next week is looking pretty good so far..nothing big school wise, maybe get a litle rest
Been losing alot of friends lately due to them working alot and me not being able to hang out during weekdays...gay. Life's just weird right now..the only thing that keeps me calm is skating...i love it...when i'm on my board, be it in the park or the pool it's just me in my little skating world where everything is great and physically painful at times :-P (if you find this "gay" or w/e then fuck you, u don't know me)
the end.