Okay it's high time i cut people's ass out of LJ. I was cruising around LJ going to comment on some stuff. As you know I have never been on LJ that much. Only recently in the month of May i started you know, getting into LJ, knowing how to FRIEND people, read their journals comment, and its all fun! I enjoy it now (it seriously distracts me from my ultimate doom and pleasureable love Chuck/Blair).
So i was cruising around and saw one of my friends had to close her LJ, well, friend lock it because of some crap that went down, i suppose if you guys were reading my LJ it was that stupid pointless shit that went down last week. So anyways i realized then, there is a bunch of people that
A) i do not talk to
B) i potentitally do not like anymore
C) just do not want on my LJ anymore
D) Do not know who they are for the life of me.
so Here i go cleaning it away :D And if i accidently cut you, just throw a shoe at my head like Blair did to Serena. And i'll re-add or something, cause you know me =P If i could i'd clean EVERYONE out and then ask you guys to add me, then i add you, it'd be PERFECT.
But alas some of you are lazy bitches. SO i have to do everything myself! =P
Useless. =P
Ugh fuck now i need to find out how i DELETE friends O_o do you know how long it took me to find how to FILTER friends? Because before when people added me i just add them without putting them into a category which i found was a fucking dumb thing to do?!
Fuck me.
LJ is one confusing mothereffer.
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