Starving : Help I am being starved to death.

Jun 01, 2009 12:41

I am hungry. Bill sucks at feeding me! >.>

That said, 100 snakes arrived on my door step Friday. Much to Bills chagrin haha.

They were late though, I expected them at like 9 AM but they didnt arrive till 10:15 AM which is like 15 mins from the 'guarentee' that Fedex has on next day. Total cost for the 100 = 770, so that comes out to 7.70 a snake. They all arrived alive and there were 2 extras lol. So that comes out to...7.55 a snake.

A couple are mean little pricks, but they will tame down.  A few are very calm, various sizes, we have at least 4 I think are yearlings not hatchlings. Lots of granites and morphs. But still, the plan is sell them for 35-50.00 each, then take 1/2 of the proceeds, give them to Bill so he can shutup about me not having a job, and the other 1/2 to invest in something else, either another round of snakes and/OR something else thats money making.

I expect my monocled cobras to arrive within the next 3 weeks, they are being bought for 75.00 I plan to breed them, and sell the baboies for 200 each. Profit expected there is like... 5000.00

4.6 thats 4 males to 6 females which is 120 eggs and if 1/2 hatch thats 50 eggs, 50 x 200 = 10K

Okay so I was off a little.

Anyway, thats my life right now. Snakes are easier to care for being home weekly then cats because they eat 1 time a week and dont really drink lol. Just for erian 's sake though lol I'll only post one snake pic :p

Hope your grandpa's doing better Jen ^.^

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