Title: Over the Rainbow
Voice: First POV
Place: Work
Inspiration: My Grandmother gave me a 'palm reading', which she actually said was her getting a feeling or something. She said that in two years, I would be happily married. Well, I'm single now, with no love-interest in sight. This is what came of it the next day. Was originally titled 'Gods Gonna Gut You Down', as I'd been listening to Johnny's Cash's song of the same name at the time.
Give me something,
Something new
Something blue
Something to search for
Something to fight for
Something to live for
Something to have passion for.
I'm alive without ever living
Going through the motions without ever feeling.
I need to make a connection,
Something that's gonna plug me in
So start me up sometime soon
Before I become old and rundown.
I wanna believe in happily ever after
But I'm so afraid of reality,
I have a hard time believeing my sunset prince can actually exist,
And isn't that the tragic sort of fairytale no princess ever reads?
There's no white stallions on the gravel roads
There's no dragons for the knights to slay
And all the sunsets are hiding behind the cars, buildings, and trees.