♨ Twelve Apples and Cinnamon - Action / Written ♨

Jul 30, 2010 09:44

[It's windy today. The day before was overcast. Winry's glad it isn't raining. She heads toward the smithy, but bypasses that to head up toward where the Hanami was. The girl knows the trees are most likely done blooming, but she didn't want to head toward the lake. Once at her final destination she'll observe the trees a bit before writing in her ( Read more... )

c! haruki, c! raphael, c! sokka, c! amaterasu, c! usagi, c! raine sage

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[Action] divinepooch July 31 2010, 07:43:56 UTC
[And who should be there but the being who created those trees in the first place? It may be windy and overcast, but it's still summer, and thus it's still hot. Ammy, with her thick coat, is plopped right under the shade of her largest tree and panting even while she's dozing. The breeze is nice, but man, she can't wait for the weather to cool down.]


[Action] crytearsofjoy July 31 2010, 15:42:55 UTC
[Is that... a dog? Winry's unsure, and approach's cautiously. She hadn't seen many domestic animals in Luceti. Even the strays that wandered about were few and far between. As Winry gets closer she decides that this particular canine isn't a dog. It's too big. A wolf, maybe? Amaterasu did almost look like a Mini-Moro.

Winry stops, allowing a few feet between them just in case Ammy isn't friendly. To get her attention, Winry whistles.]


[Action] divinepooch July 31 2010, 16:50:18 UTC
[Ammy realized that someone was there far before the whistle - you people have loud feet, you know? But she humored the situation and continued to lie there. Not only that, but it's too hot to do anything else.

But at the whistle... Okay, Ammy lifts her head up and- hellooooo, cute lady! Her tail wags! But just barely. Too hot to do it more.]


[Action] crytearsofjoy July 31 2010, 17:38:15 UTC
[She smiles at the tail waggling, and move in closer - perhaps at arms length. The blond sits on her knees, and reaches out to pet Ammy's forehead. What a thick coat! The canine hadn't shed in favor of a summer one?]


[Action] divinepooch July 31 2010, 17:45:27 UTC
[There was never really a need for it back in her world, since it never got quite this hot. Besides, she has to keep up her appearance! A goddess should not look scraggly.

Ammy lifts up her head and leans it against Winry's hand. It's hot, but that doesn't mean Ammy can't enjoy pettings! She even makes a little noise of contentment, allowing Winry to go ahead.]


[Action] crytearsofjoy July 31 2010, 18:16:52 UTC
[The girl scoots closer so Ammy doesn't have to move too much to be pet. She moves her hand from the top of the Wolf's head to her hind leg, and then back again.]

You must be a resident here. I wonder what your name is...


[Action] divinepooch July 31 2010, 18:20:25 UTC
[Ooooh, full body pettings! Her tail thumps against the ground with a little more force, and she looks up at Winry with a slight tilt of her head. Well now! Would you like to come up with a name, or wait around and have Ammy get off her butt and tell it herself?]


[Action] crytearsofjoy July 31 2010, 18:24:53 UTC
[Winry won't give a name to someone who already has one. She keeps petting Ammy. It's a nostalgic motion, and seems to be calming herself down by doing it. All this worrying about the war... it's nice just to take time to make someone else feel good.]


[Action] divinepooch July 31 2010, 18:32:16 UTC
[All right then! Ammy concentrates for just a second, and then on the ground in the space between her and Winry, words appear in black ink:





[Action] crytearsofjoy July 31 2010, 18:37:12 UTC
[Surprised, Winry stops petting Ammy. She moves away from the words, and stares in surprise. Amaterasu? Why does she recognize that name? For a moment the reason escapes her, but-

Oh! Haruki had told her about this wolf before. If she remembers right, Amaterasu was-] A goddess?


[Action] divinepooch July 31 2010, 18:51:34 UTC
[Bingo! Ammy seems to straighten up a bit even while she's lying down. Someone knows her mythology! Or someone told her. Either way, it's nice to be known as a goddess right off.]


[Action] crytearsofjoy July 31 2010, 21:24:08 UTC
[She resets herself to be at Ammy's side. Unsure, she reaches out once more to pet the wolf. Although - is it right? It's not disrespectful, is it?]


[Action] divinepooch August 1 2010, 05:37:54 UTC
[Hey hey, just because she's an all powerful goddess doesn't mean you have to act any different around her! It almost seems like she rolls her eyes before she leans her head forward to bump Winry's hand with the bridge of her nose. Go on, silly!]


[Action] crytearsofjoy August 1 2010, 18:00:19 UTC
[The girl starts scratching Ammy again, just behind the ears.]

So are these all yours? I saw them bloom a while ago. They were beautiful.


[Action] divinepooch August 2 2010, 03:06:42 UTC
[Yes they are quite-as;ldfkjsak;fj THE SPOT. You have hit The Spot and that means you are a wonderful girl. Ammy leans her head back and gives a contented sound - eeee, ear scritches! ♥]


[Action] crytearsofjoy August 2 2010, 03:20:43 UTC
I don't suppose you would mind if I came here again?


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