♨ Seven Apples and Cinnamon - Action ♨

Apr 25, 2010 11:59

[Today is a beautiful day! Well, aside from the cold snap, everything is normal. The sun is out, residents are doing their best to handle the next experiment, and awkwardness ensues. Yep! Just a normal day in Luceti.]
[However what isn't normal is that you can't find Winry in the smithy today. Instead if you pass by house 23, one will be able to ( Read more... )

c! katara, c! hughes, c! rosalie, c! yuzu, c! raphael, c! haruki, c! sokka, c! ty lee

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[ Action ] 8D hithar. idkmybffroy April 25 2010, 16:03:15 UTC
[ It's just your friendly neighborhood troll, here to perform his usual duties. ]

AH, WINRY~! [ 2 + 2 = going to be amused. ] On a date, I see!


[ Action ] wings_thatwait April 25 2010, 18:38:30 UTC
[Winry drops the clod of dirt she was holding, which had a weed sticking out of it, and she freezes. Oh great. She forgot about this troll side of Hughes.]

[ ! ] It's not a date!


[ Action ] god_is_a_dude April 25 2010, 18:44:33 UTC
Of course it's not! What are you, an idiot?! [Ignoring that Haruki doesn't even know this guy, the thought bubble on his head turns into a blushing angry face as he glares up at him. Indignantly. While he's grabbing his own weed]


[ Action ] idkmybffroy April 25 2010, 18:51:14 UTC
{ -^__^ face here- }

Oh, are you certain~? It seemed like a lovely day for couples to be out and about to me~!


[ Action ] wings_thatwait April 25 2010, 19:00:39 UTC
Well that's good and all, but were not a couple!


[ Action ] god_is_a_dude April 25 2010, 19:01:57 UTC
[And Haruki, meanwhile, just starts blushing on his person too. Fuuuuh] Oi! Shut up!


[ Action ] idkmybffroy April 25 2010, 19:11:54 UTC
[ Laughing. At you two. This is so fun.

You've drawn attention to yourself, Haruki. How foolish >D ]

And who is this young man you're not coupled with?


[ Action ] crytearsofjoy April 25 2010, 19:13:45 UTC
Mister Hughes, this is Haruki. Haruki, be nice to Mister Hughes please.


[ Action ] god_is_a_dude April 25 2010, 19:15:19 UTC
Right. [...He even bows a bit from his position - a half-bow, but it's good to try to be polite to adults, right?] Nice to meet you.


[ Action ] idkmybffroy April 25 2010, 19:25:17 UTC
It's nice to meet you too, Haruki. Have you been here for long? [ He's secretly a nice guy. Just with a certain method of being annoying. ]


[ Action ] crytearsofjoy April 25 2010, 19:28:01 UTC
[Winry gets back to clearing out weeds. Because they suck. She also seems to be avoiding any bugs that they happened to dig up.]


[ Action ] god_is_a_dude April 25 2010, 19:33:58 UTC
...Yeah. [Two years; that makes it longer than most people at this point] [He shrugs there, a sigh before he goes back to his own clearing out the weeds, though naturally, he is keeping an eye on Hughes too in case he needs to keep up the conversation]


[ Action ] idkmybffroy April 25 2010, 20:06:03 UTC
{ Hm. Quite the stay. }

[ His thought bubble is totally making ^w^ faces at you guys when that's done, though. ] Well! I'll just leave you two to your work, hm~? I look forward to seeing you again sometime, Haruki~

[ The troll-shark starts off. Aaaaand then stops to pick a caterpillar off of Winry's shoulder. ]

Just give me a call if you need anything; I'll be out for a while.


[ Action ] wings_thatwait April 25 2010, 20:11:07 UTC
[Winry freezes when she realizes what Hughes just plucked off her shoulder.]



[ Action ] god_is_a_dude April 25 2010, 20:19:57 UTC
[...Well that was abrupt. Haruki nods dully at that and waves] Right, right. We'll do that.


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