♨ 1 Apple Pie + Nine Apples and Cinnamon - Voice ♨

May 21, 2011 15:40

[There's a pause of silence as the journal begins to record. Listeners can hear a deep inhale and a following exhale before Winry begins to speak. When she does the girl tries to sound confident, but in all honesty she's scared of what she has to do.]

Hey everyone, have you heard of automail yet? It's a state of the art prosthetic limb that is attached to ones nerves to make it perform like a full functioning arm! Admittedly it's not for everyone because the installation surgery is intense, but those have automail say that the convenience is worth it! I know not many of you are lacking limbs, but for those who are I suggest looking into it. If there are any questions I'll answer them here.

[Filtered to Edward Elric, Alphonse, Haruhi, Sokka, Raine, Vash, and Dist | 98 100% Unhackable]
Speaking of, I need to talk to you guys about Tuesday.

c! daisy, c! ed, c! haruhi, c! pascal, c! nox, c! vash, c! sokka, c! dhaos, c! raine sage

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