- I really should have re-watched series 1 first, because I can hardly remember what happened!
- George and Mitchell don't half look miserable
- Creepy vampire couple are creepy
- Nina/Annie bonding. I approve of this immensely. More of this please, show.
- Lol at Annie applying for a job in the pub
- "You're squishy" Man, I ship them so hard ♥
- Oh, Nina's a werewolf. Never saw that one coming /sarcasm
- Creepy guy with werewolf in the chamber. Gorey.
- George stop being a twat
- Trevor the goldfish! Hee!
- Annie working in the pub gave me the lolz. I think she is my favorite thing about this show
- Gas leak is in no way a cover for bad guys to raid your house
- Tea for everyone! :D
- Quoting scripture. That's not creepy at all, creepy man. What are you up to?
*Needs a Being Human icon* Actually, needs more icons full stop. Is there anyway to buy more userpics without actually upgrading to a paid account?
Oh, and Law and Order: UK series 1.5 is on tonight. I'm not sure if I previously, erm, acquired tonight's episode, but I'll watch it anyway.