I am so excited! Haha, I want to see if China fans in the Hetalia fandom write anything! I wonder if I should write anything...
"On the Chinese Valentine's Day, people in love like to go to the temple of Matchmaker and pray for their love and the possible marriage in China. People still single will do the same thing to ask their luck of love in the Matchmaker temple."
http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/77.htm I have ideas >=D
FFF I've got two Inception fills I really need to put up (dude, we're going to max out part 3 so soon!), and I signed up for a big bang.
Part of me wonders if I can do a big bang when I've got college apps, and then another part of me quickly drop kicks that part because it thinks that I organize better when I have a lot to do.
I guess I'll get to it when it comes!
To do over the summer:
1) Read Invisible Man (ffffff)
3) Write college essays (TBD later)
4) Make final college list (At least I got this one done!)
5) Do English homework (fffff)
*sigh* I have much to do.