Oct 24, 2005 14:05
I have 3 exams coming up...its that time again.
This wednesday i have an exam on Cells and Tissue. Of course i must know every detail of cell reproduction and i have to memorize EVERY part of the cell and its function. its not like high school biology....this professor goes into detail.
Next wednesday i have a lab exam on bones. i have to know all the bones, crests, bumps, cracks, EVERYTHING that involves the bones (head to toes, inside-out). i basically have no social life anymore, im looking forward to my birthday cause thats the only planned event i have coming up.
Also next wednesday i have an exam on social and gender stratification along with some of my reading material on gypsies. but this professor is much better...he gives us a study guide that has every question on the test.
AND...i work allllllllllllll this coming weekend. im tired.