Rest of the story here. When people like the owners of Chick-Fil-A can unabashedly and wholeheartedly give their support to groups that openly and proudly discriminate against others in BLATANT ATTEMPTS TO TAKE AWAY THEIR FREEDOM, in a world where my fellow Americans can treat me like less of a human being because of who I love and what I believe… fighting the good fight can get really, REALLY wearisome.
And I understand that.
Maybe it’s because I spent six years NOT fighting, not caring, ’cause “It didn’t affect me” and because I “believed it was wrong to be gay” anyway. The problem is, as soon as I let someone else’s freedoms be forfeit I put my own at risk… so even if you don’t believe it’s ok to be gay, even if you aren’t gay and think this doesn’t affect you, it DOES.
And for those of us who are disheartened and are getting sick of fighting… I feel you. I understand. I do. Because up to now you’ve been fighting uphill battles on tired feet and dealing with apathy and double talk and bullshit. We’ve all been wading through it for a long, long time. And I understand.
But understand this.
There are more people like me out there… people who have JUST hit the ground on these issues and have the strength to pick up your picket signs. And if all you can do is give those people some advice, tell your war stories, and help us figure out what we can do that might be effective from what you’ve already learned on the field… please do those things. Give us your love and your support.
And if you still have some fight left in you, then come with us.
‘Cause we’re about to make a ruckus in Indiana.
Originally posted at
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