Helping Other People Make Music (and other such squeeworthy things)

Oct 27, 2010 08:45

Got together with Katt McConnell and Liz Bates (by our powers combined, we are, “Wax Chaotic”!! …and stuff) last night to work on some musics for Katt’s first album. It was FUUUUUUUN! =D I can’t wait to hear what the final outcome sounds like. And we’ve only just started working on guitar, drum, and harmonies for all of TWOCOUNTEMTWO songs. Swate!

I also got to “premier” the Kangaroo Song. Still trying to decide exactly what to call it. BUT, Katt and Liz loooooved it, which is a good sign. *thumbs up* Always good when other musicians and songwriters think your stuff is worthy. Particularly when they are such TALENTED musicians and songwriters! =D

I have a post in my head somewhere that is utterly unrelated to those things and has to do entirely with children and protecting them from the real world, particularly the parts of it that 1) they already know about anyway and 2) aren’t Bad things. Something to the effect that protecting a child’s innocence really has more to do with not dumping our own biases and fears on them than it does with keeping the truth of the outside world from them. It’s amazing how non-judgmental children are if we don’t teach them how to judge other people, but how easy it can be to COMPLETELY INADVERTENTLY teach them to judge by keeping things from them that they wouldn’t have thought twice about. By Not saying, we teach them, “This is wrong and you shouldn’t approve of it” without meaning to.

I understand wanting to protect children from the judgments and biases of the outside world, and that sometimes by keeping controversial realities from them we keep them from having to face down the terrible arguments that people in the outside world often make. But if we do this… how do we prepare them for those things?

Anyway yeah. There’s a whole post in my Head about that, but honestly I’m still mulling it over (and Not angrily or frustratedly at all. The individuals who inspired my thoughts on the matter are people that I love and respect and I’m not in any way offended by their ideas. They just make me think.

I also have to say how much adore the way that My Tigress and The Kilted Wonder are raising their two beautiful daughters/minions, and how well adjusted and, frankly, amazing and innocent these young women really are. And that is of course not to put down the way that anyone else raises their children, because every parent is different. It just never ceases to impress me.

I also can’t help but think of how impressed I often am with my future sister-in-law’s ability to be two parents at once to such a FANTASTICALLY brilliant young woman and such an INCREDIBLY Vibrant young man. I don’t know where she finds that kind of energy and ingenuity, and keeps up with all the children she babysits besides, and then tends to shrug it off with that, “Well what else would I do?” kind of look. (Well sure, You say that, but some people turn into My mother. =P
) Canarys. They make me shake my head in the coolest ways.

So yeah. That stuff.


Originally posted at Crystal's World Feel free to comment here or there.

music, we like to hit things, wax chaotic

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